Buna! Uite aici cateva:
Grown Ups [super filmu`]
Norbit [am auzit ca ii fain :d]
Little Fockers
She`s out of my League
Did You Hear About The Morgans?
Freaky Friday
White chicks
Baby day's out
The man
Happy Gilmore
The hot chick
Scary Movie 2 [deci mori de ras la el!]
Bad Santa
American Pie 1-7
She's the man
The rocker
Rat race
Van waylder: frashman year
Meet the Fockers
Dirty love
Dance flick
The Rebound
Van Wilder Freshman Year
Yes Man
Spread-Playboy de L. A
The Proposal
The Hancover
Grown Ups
Get Him to the Greek
What happens in vegas
A lot like love
Just married (cat am ras la asta)
Guess who?
Dude, where's my car?
My boss's daughter (si asta e tare)
The heartbreak kid (la asta am ras cu lacrimi )
Sper ca te-am ajutat:* Toate sunt frumoase
Eu am vazut un film misto. este comedie si horror. se numeste ZOMBIE LAND. sper ca te-am ajutat. app. sunt cam noua. ce este "funda"?.
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