A nightmare on elm street, Silent hill, Dead silence, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw, The Walking Dead, Resident Evil,Singur acasa,The Dictator,Arthur,Mamma Mia!,The Hangover,The Pick of destiny, Mr. Popper's Penguins,The Animal,Johnny English,Big Momma's House,Gulliver's Travels, Knucklehead, Hotel Transylvania, That's my boy, Ace Ventura,Brave,Hotaru no haka,WALL·E, Ratatouille,The Incredibles,How to Train Your Dragon, Madagascar, Despicable Me, Megamind, Coraline, Up, Ice Ace, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, The Pirates! Band of Misfits, A Christmas Carol
Filme cu adolescenti :
Remember me
A walk to remember
American Pie toate partile
The last song
A Cinderella story
Filme de groaza:
The exorcism of Emily Rose
The orphan
Scary Movie
The grudge
The messenger
The women in black
Shutter Island
The cabin in the wood
Filme romantice :
Remember me
A walkto remember
If only
Dear John
Love Story
The notebook
P.S:I love you
Pride and prejudice
Sweet november
A Cinderella story
Filme de comedie:
The dictator
The hangover 2
Friends with benefits
American Pie toate partile
Puicuta cu cocosel
Big mama
Filme de actiune:
Star Trek
Filme de aventura:
Lord of the ring
Pirates of the Carribean
Dramaunct de impact
Pretty Woman; Girl happy; The holiday; Shop girl; Mama Mia!; The Break-up; Weekend. Toate acestea sunt de dragoste.
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