Paranormal Activity2
The Rite
The Roommate
Red Riding Hood
Saw 3D
Nightmare On Elm Street
I Spit On Your Grave
The Last Exorcism
Let Me In
Scream 4 (cel mai recent) INFIORATOR.sillent hill e mai e komplikat...scream 4 rekomand ) fundita?
The Others (2001) / Ceilalţi
2) The Exorcist (1973) / Exorcistul
3) The Haunting (1963) / Casa bântuită
4) 13 Ghosts (2001) / 13 fantome
5) Poltergeist (1982)
6) The Sixth Sense (1999) / Cel de-al şaselea simţ
) Rosemary’s Baby (1968) / Copilul lui Rosemary
sau : Venom, sau, Stiu ce-ai facut asta vara, sau Laid to rest. Aceste sunt cele mai horror din lume! Bfta sa gasesti mai multe!
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