Quantum Apocalypse (2010),2012 (2009),2012: Ice Age (2011),Into The Storm (2014),Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World (2012),Phase 7 (2011),Melancholia (2011),Knowing (2009),Skyline 1 și 2 (2010/2012),Cloverfield (2008),The Road (2009),Contagion (2011),Aftershock (2012),4:44 Last Day On Earth (2011),The Colony (2013),Carriers (2009),mai poți să încerci:The World's End (2013),After The Dark (The Philosophers 2013), The Divide (2011),District 9 (2009),The Rover (2014),The Signal (2014),This Is The End (2013),Snowpiercer (2013),Wyrmwood (2014),How I Live Now (2013),Perfect Sense (2011),San Andreas (29 05 2015)
The Day the Earth Stood Still
The Day After Tomorrow
12 Monkeys/Armata celor 12 maimute (1995)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers/ Invazia jefuitorilor de trupuri (1978)
Melancholia (2011)
The Road/Drumul (2009)
Independence Day/Ziua independentei (1996
2012 (2009)
The Book of Eli (2010)
28 Days Later/Dupa 28 de zile (2002)
Night of the Living Dead/Noaptea mortilor vii (1968)
Poti incerca:
-World War Z (cu Brad Pitt)
-Independence day (Will Smith)
-Day after tomorrow
Cam astea imi vin in minte acum..stiu ca mai era unu cu Tom Cruise. :V ..nu mai stiu cum se numeste, cauta daca chiar vrei pe google -filme cu Tom Cruise- si sigur o sa-l gasesti(e foarte bun filmul).
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