90210 pentru o "fashiongirl" este vorba de viata adolescentilor in liceu, colegiu... vizionare placuta!
Dr. House
Grey's Anatomy
CSI: New York
CSI: Miami
Prison Break
How I Met Your Mother
The Big Bang Theory
Two And A Half Men
Teen wolf,Lie to me, Prison break, Grey's anatomy, Dexter, Dr. House.
Vizionare placuta!
Ghost whisperer este despre o tanara, melinda, care de mic copil vede fantome. serialul nu e chiar horror, dar in schimb are o poveste de dragoste superba. si feicare episod te tine cu sufletul la gura.
Criminal: Dexter, CSI:NY, CSI:Miami, NCIS:LA, NCIS, Lie to Me.
Action: Chuck, Heroes, Prison Break, Walker.
Sci-Fi: Teen Wolf, True Blood, Supernatural, Falling Skies.
Comedii: Two man and the half, How i meet your mother, The big bang theory, Don't Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23.
Grey's anatomy. The secret circle. How I met your mother. Glee. Blue mountain state. Spartacus Blood and Sand. Teen Wolf. Dr House.
Sper sa-ti placa! Te pup :*
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