| justfriend a întrebat:

Am vazut toate filmele de dragoste posibile si mi-e dor de sentimentele pe care le aveam cand urmaream The fault in our stars,Pride and Prejudice, etc.Imi puteti spune alte filme de dragoste pe care e putin probabil sa le fi vazut? Nu din cele cunoscute fiindca probabil le stiu.Multumesc!

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5 răspunsuri:
| Th3AbSinTh3 a răspuns:

Pai eu am vazut Love at first hiccup
Love, Rosie
Two night stand
Leap year
Sunt si de comedie, astea mi-au ramas mie in memorie din aceasta categorie

| syd a răspuns:


| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

6 years
Silver Linings Playbook
The theory of everything
The words
Old fashioned
Love and other drugs
Safe Haven
The best of me
The longest ride
A lot like love
Like Crazy
Before we go
Begin again
About time
Going the distance
Crazy, stupid, love
No strings attached
Friends with benefits
That awkward moment
You again
When in Rome
Two night stand
10 years
The first time
Leap year
Sweet November
Blue Valentine
Now is good
Forrest Gump

| AlexandraIoana74 a răspuns:

The Best Of Me
Letters To Juliet

| Georgiana_Adriana_1987 a răspuns:

The age of Adaline