Iti recomand serialul Shadowhunters, nu vei regreta nici macar un minut petrecut uitandu-te la acest serial!
Acum depinde de ce iti place eu ti-as recomanda Legenda Cautatorului e un serial de drama si actiune are 32 de episoade si are 2 sezoane uite aici lunk de la sezonul 1
Cauta pe aici :
Banshee,Lost,GoT,Gotham,Into The Badlands, Sense8, The Shannara Chronicles, Black Mirror, Secrets And Lies, The Family, The Magicians, Damien, Second Chance, Blood & Oil, The 100, Wicked City, True Detective, The Killing, The Shield , Lilyhammer, Mad Dogs, The Night Manager, Mozart In The Jungle, Westworld
Bates motel
Game of thrones
Mr robot
Prison break
Breaking bad
Gossip girl
Teen Wolf, The 100, Under the dome, Agents of S. H. I. L. D., El barco, Walking Dead, Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Blindspot, Shadow Hunters, Arrow, The Magicians, Game of Thrones
The Mentalist
Prison Break
House MD
Fairy Legal
daca iti plac serialele gen fictiune uita-te la Arrow sau Flash sau Lucifer
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