She is the man
Step up 2
Wild child
John Tucker must die
Cam pe aste ale stiu asa cu despartiri si noi relatii.dar iti pot spune multe filme cu adolescenti foarte bune fara despartiri
New York Minute
Save the last dance
Chasing Liberty
Mean Girl 1 si2
Bring it on ( stiu sigur cate sunt 5 sau 6)
Raise you voice
A cinderela story
Another cinderella story
Elle: a modern cinderella story
The girl next door
The Princess Diaries 1 si 2
What a Girl Wants
The Lizzie McGuire Movie
Cadet Kelly
Fired Up
She's All That
A wolk to remember
High School musical 1, 2 si 3
Sydney White
Super Sweet 16: The Movie
Material Girls
Sex Drive
Camp Rock 1 si 2
si cam atat imi amintesc (daca am mai facut greseli la numele scrise in engleza imi cer scuze
sper sa iti placa filmele
Cauti filme de drama. S
Http:// Drama de adolescenti. Sper sa fi ajutat. Fundita? :o3
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