Selena Gomez joaca in urmatoarele filme:
Monte Carlo (comedie), Magicienii Din Waverly Place Filmul (drama si fantastic), Programul De Protectie A Printeselor (in rolul principal alaturi de Demi Lovato, comedie), Cinderella Story 1 si 2 (romantic).
Sper ca ti-am fost de folos, Craciun fericit.
1. The Muppets (2011)...
2. Monte Carlo (2011)... Grace / Cordelia Winthrop Scott
3. Arthur 3: The War of Two Worlds - Arthur 3: Razboiul celor doua lumi (2010)... Selenia (voce)
4. Ramona and Beezus - Ramona si Beezus (2010)... Beezus Quimby
5. Arthur et la vengeance de Maltazard - Arthur şi răzbunarea lui Maltazard (2009)... Selenia (voce)
6. Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana (2009)... Alex Russo
7. Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie - O familie de magicieni (2009)... Alex Russo
8. Princess Protection Program (2009)... Carter
9. Barney: Top 20 Countdown (2009)... Gianna
10. Another Cinderella Story (2008)... Mary Santiago
11. Horton Hears a Who! - Horton (2008)... Helga
12. The Suite Life on Deck (Serial TV) (2008)... Alex Russo
13. Arwin! (Serial TV) (2007)... Alexa
14. Wizards of Waverly Place (Serial TV) (2007)... Alex Russo
15. What's Stevie Thinking? (2007)... Stevie Sanchez
16. Brain Zapped (2006)... Emily Grace Garcia
17. Hannah Montana (Serial TV) (2006)... Mikayla
18. Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire (2005)... Julie
19. The Suite Life of Zack and Cody - Viata de 5 stele a lui Zack si Cody (Serial TV) (2005)... Gwen
20. Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over - Spy Kids 3-D: Sfarsitul jocului (2003)... Waterpark Girl
21. Barney & Friends (Serial TV) (1992)... Gianna
Monte carlo,Another Cinderella Story, Princess Protection Program,The Muppets, Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie, Arthur 3: The War of Two Worlds,Ramona and Beezus, Arthur et la vengeance de Maltazard, Barney: Top 20 Countdown,Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana,What's Stevie Thinking, Granted; Campfire Stories 2, Brain Zapped, Campfire Stories; Comes Around Gos Around, ( funda?)
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