-The Vampire Diaries
-Pretty Little Liars
-True Blood
-The Secret Circle
-The Nine Lives of Chloe King
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer
-American Horror Story
-Blood Ties
-Ghost Whisperer
-Lost Girl
-Love Bites
-Greys Anatomy
Daca vrei mai multe, trimite-mi mesaj
-The Hunger Games
-Singur Acasa
-Mr. Bean in vacanta
-The House of the Devil
-Bloody Mary
-Misterul gemenilor
-Silent House
-Hotel Transylvania
-Dead Girl
-Twilight 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Buna, pai:
-Filme: Ttitanic, demon pe 2 roti, sweet november, jhonny Q, forest gump, inocenta de vanzare, un bacsis de i milion de dolari, inca un film cu adolescenti?, Twilight, Devil inside, scary movie, yes man, norbit, matrix, the mask, coming to america, povestea ciudata a lui benjamin button (super film), Mr. Popper's Penguins, Lemony Snicket - O serie de evenimente nefericite
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Number 23, lost, Me, Myself & Irene, Problem child, the party, that darn cat, addams family, Ghost town, bad boys, ho ho, Dicatorul, Friends with Kids, Ted, Intouchables, Friends with Benefits, little man, home alone, malibu most wanted, a walk to remember, honey, etc.
Seriale: Friends, Seinfeld, Two and a half men, The big bang theory, How i met your mother, Modern family. winking, lovely complex, dr. house, anatomia lui grey, bona mea e un vampir, vampire dyares, suleyman magnificul,.
Seriale: The Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, Ghost Whisperer
Și filme: The Ring 1, 2, Drag Me To Hell, Norbit
-Dear John
-The last song
-A walk to remeber
-Charlie St. Cloud
-Mr. & Mrs. Smith
-The vampire diaries
-Pretty Little Liars
-Heart of Dixie
-2 Brooken Girls
Serial :
Heroes; Este cel mai bun dupa parerea mea.
Filme :
Shutter Island
The Road
John Carter
Resident Evil
Total Recall
-The Vampire Diaries
-True Blood
-The Nine Lives of Chloe King
-Ghost Whisperer
-Greys Anatomy
-Home Alone
-Misterul gemenilor
-The Hobbit
-The GOdfather
-Man on fire
-Cruel intension
-The notebook
-Gone baby gone
-The lord of the rings
-Pirates of caribbean
-From Hell
-The libertine
-The Tourist
-Prince of Persia
An nou fericit!
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