Dimineata mortii
Cartea lui Ely
The road
Resident evil ( toate partile)
Battle : Los Angeles
World war Z
2012: Ice Age
The Day After Tomorrow
Aftermath: Population Zero
I am the legend
Cam astea ar fi. Vizionare placuta! Sper sa iti placa.
The Maze Runner mai este un film tare la care merita sa te uiti zic eu.
Quantum Apocalypse (2010),Deep Impact (1998),World War Z 1 si 2 (2013/2015),2012 (2009),2012: Ice Age (2011),Skyline 1 și 2 (2010/2012),Cloverfield (2008),Into the Storm (2014),Aftershock (2012),The Bay (2012),The Road (2009),Knowing (2009),Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World (2012),Melancholia (2011),The Colony (2013),The Divide (2011)
Poftim aici chiar cu subiectul apocalipsa : - 2012
- Cartea lui Ely.
- Contagion.
- The road.
- Unde vei fi poimaine.
- Deep impact.
- 28 days later.
Vizionare placuta!
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