She's the man
the ugly truth
grown ups-genialmerita vazut
the change-up:X:X
it's a boy girl thing
the wedding planner
how to lose a guy in 10 days
10 things i hate about you
crazy, stupid, love
easy a
the new guy
sex drive
van wilder
american pie toate
scary movie-toate(..cauta-l pe 5)
a cinderella story, another cinderella story, a cinderella story:once upon a song
monte carlo
wild child
wild cherry
the perfect man
just my luck
the parent trap
john tucker must die(il ador pe jesse metcalfe:X)
the princess diaries 1 si 2
not another teen movie
the girl next door
the spy next door
white chicks
bride wars
the hangover 1 si 2:X:X
just go with it:X
little fockers
the bounty hunter
one for money:X:X:X
yes man
liar liar
failure to launch
my best friend's girl
what's your number?
daddy day care
home alone-toate:X
this means war:X:X
bad teacher
life as we know it
the proposal-genial
daca mai vrei filme, lasa-mi mesaj.
vizionare placuta! sper ca te-am ajutat:*
21 & Over
The Dictator
The Campaign
The Hangover
Project X
This Means War
Just merried
perfect man
worm bodies
The vow
the first time
dear john
The last song
Si niste filme coreene pe care le consider la fel de dragute:
100 Days with Mr. Arrogant
200 Pounds Beauty
Fly High
He Was Cool
Filme:Accepted,Ugly true, 17 again, worm bodies, the hangover 1 2 3, this is 40, dude where is my car,
dar mai sunt si seriale de comedie :How i meet your mother, Cougar Town, Friends
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