Apoi daca white chicks e comedie calumea, e grav. uite o lista cv mai buna: Kate and leopold, a thousand words, bruce almighty, yes man, the avengers(chiar si la asta sunt cateva replici la care poti rade), the big bang theory(serial, dar e bestial), how i met your mother(serial), friends(serial), modern family(serial), the hangover, pirates of the caribbean(numai 1, 2, 3), sherlock holmes(1 si 2; e serios, dar are si asta poante bune uneori), due date, the campaign, the 40 year-old virgin, butter, borat, the dictator(si toate filmele cu sacha baron cohen), men in black(1 si 3, 2 mai putin), rango, me myself and irene, dark shadows, ted, this means war, anchorman(2004), pretty woman, liar liar, ace ventura, hitch, seeking a friend for the end of the world
Sunt multe filme faine ca de ex:
-Mr Bean
-Kwvin singur acasa
-Un mascul extraterestru
-Clikc (e cel mai fain dinre toate)
-Dennis the Menace
-Cavaleri Schaolin
-The Nutty Professor(alt film fain de tot)
-Daca vrei si iti place: Placinta americana(1, 2... )
-Little Man(altul fain)
Cum am mentionat si mai sus:Little Man, The Nutty Professor si Clikc sunt cele mai faine. Sper ca te-am ajutat. Funda?
Just go with it si Grown Ups is super! nu is cu negri... dar merita!
iar daca cumva stii filmul twilight si new moon este o parodie extrem de tare la filmele astea doua: Vampire Suck.
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