Phone booth - mister
Taken - actiune, suspans
Flightplan - actiune, suspans, psihologic
Cellular - actiune, mister
Butterfly effect - psihologic
Final destination - psihologic
If only - drama, dragoste
Guess who - comedie
Awake - drama
Indentitati furate - drama, mister
Saw - psihologic
Uninvited - psihologic, groaza
The notebook - drama, dragoste
A walk to remember - drama, dragoste
Liar liar - comedie
The grudge - horror
Orphan - psihologic
The eye - groaza, psihologic
A cinderella story - comedie, dragoste
Camp rock
The ring - horror
Shining - groaza
I still know what you did last summer - horror
Mirrors - horror
How to lose a guy in 10 days - comedie, dragoste
Bride wars - comedie, dragoste
House of wax - horror
Friday 13th - horror
Wrong turn - groaza
The hills have eyes - groaza
Love wrecked - comedie, dragoste
She's the man - comedie, dragoste
Dark water - horror
Rush hour - actiune
Inception - psihologic
Shutter island - psihologic
White chicks - comedie
When a stranger calls - suspans, mister
The game plan - comedie
Just go with it - comedie, dragoste
Hall pass - comedie
Knight and day - comedie, actiune, dragoste
The stepfather - psihologic, mister
The strangers - groaza
Win a date with Tad Hamilton - comedie, dragoste
The hangover - comedie
Easy A - comedie
The last house on the left - groaza, mister, suspans
Case 39 - psihologic, mister, suspans
The roommate - psihologic, mister
Con air - actiune
Celda 211 - actiune
Law abiding citizen - actiune
Primal fear - psihologic
Dream house - drama, psihologic
The pacifier - comedie
In Time
You Again
Dear John
Soul Surfer
Letters to God
Fun with Dick and Jane
The Party
Cop out
Dolphin Tale
War Horse
Sper sa va placa. Vizionare placuta.
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