Beyond,The Tomorrow People,The O.C.,Gossip Girl,Finding Carter,Hellcats, The Carrie Diaries,Awkward,Skins,Blue Mountain State,Jane By Design, Smallville, Shameless, Bunheads, Ravenswood, Harper's Island, Greek, Scream Queens,The Magicians,Damien, Shadowhunters:The Mortal Instruments, 3%,The OA
Cum sa scapi nepedepsit, Psihologia crimei, Izombie, Micuțele mincinoase, Reign, Arrow, Sense8, Jane The virgin, No tomorrow. Funda?
Le-am vazut si eu pe cele care le-ai zis tu si sunt super, uite altele de genul:
1.The vampire diaries
2. The hundred
3. Teen wolf
4. The originals
5. Shadowhunters
6. Gossip girls. Cam atat. Sper sa-ti placa!
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