The Notebook, e romantic, drama..finalul e A Walk to remember ( O plimbare de neuitat) e frumos
pentru adolescenti, iar drama+romantic!
Hm. Last Song ( Ultimul cantec, cu Miley Cyrus) e simpatic.iar e bazat pe putina drama, romantic
If Only e iar minunat, si comedie, si drama. superb!
The Grudge 1, 2, 3 groaza.
Si Lake House. e foarte captivant, are o poveste frumoasa, de dragoste, cu o femeie din viitor si un barbat din trecut ce isi trimit scrisori!
Filme de dragoste
Titanic, Kate and Leopold, Felix si Otillia
Filme horror
Uninvited, A tale of two sisters
Filme animate
Madgascar, Ice Age
Alte filme
Mic dejun la Tiffany, Jaf in stil Italian, Furtul perfect
Uita-te si aici.
2.the vampire diaries
3.the notebook
4. teen wolf
5.american pie
6. love at the first hiccup
8.titanic age1, 2,3, 4
10.last song
11.Chalet Girl
12. Love, Wedding, Marriage
13.You Again
14. What's Your Number?
17.harry poter
18.Balul vampirilor
20. Iisus din Nazaret
21.high school musical
22.Step Up 1, 2, 3
23.Camp Rock 2
24.Raise your voice
sper ca te-am ajutat
Mirrors. american pie. scream1 scream2. scary movie(toate5).falci.infern de ziua indragostitilor. teroare la Moscova. like a diva. love is true but scary! 2 puicute.
A walkbto remember, the last song, friends with benefits, black swan, chalet girl, LOL, sweet november, if only, the notebook, leterres to juliet, midnight in Paris, meet the joe black, love and other drugs, east of eden etc etc
Daca iti plac lucrurile gen BreakDance, muzica hip-hop, House si remix-uri atunci filmul "B Girl" ti s-ar potrivi perfect.Mie mi-a placut si sunt stilul acela de care ti-am zis.Ca un rezumat, ma rog poti vedea trailarul aici.. super! Sper sa-ti placa! Si alege pe cel mai bun!
4.The prestige
5.The boy in the striped pyjamas
9.Apollo 13
10.The sixth sense
11.The book of Eli
12.I am legend
13.The Dark Knight
14.The Dark Knight Rises
15. Avatar
18.A thousand words
20.The pianist
21.The girl with the dragon tattoo
22.The five year engagement
23.8 mile