Coraline,Hotel Transylvania, 21 Jump street, perfect pitch, v for vendetta, the mentalist
Titanic 1,2, 3, Soldatul Rian, Cleopatra partea 1 si 2, Pistruiatul, Prieteni si adversari, 9 th company, Rocky sau clasicele animatii Tom si Jerry.
Brave,Hotaru no haka,WALL·E, Ratatouille,The Incredibles,How to Train Your Dragon,Madagascar,Despicable Me, Megamind,Coraline,Up,Ice Ace,Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs,The Pirates! Band of Misfits,A Christmas Carol
Si filme:
The Dictator,Arthur,The Sorcerers Apprentice,Age Of The Dragons,Oliver Twist,Mr Popper's Penguins,Blood And Bone,Real Steel, The Avengers, The Chronicles of Riddick, The Mist, Wrath.of.the.Titans,A Beautiful Mind, Sherlock Holmes.
Hotel Transylvania si Paranorman in cazul in care nu le-ai vazut deja.Sunt animatii...Vizionare Placuta
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