Death Race:Inferno
Olympus Has Fallen
Cloud Atlas
Shadow Dancer
The Hunger Games
Carrie (2013)
I Give It A Year
Now You See Me
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
The Burning Plain
V for Vendetta
Die Welle
Cloud Atlas
The Blind Side
Zodiac Killer
Mystic River
The Intouchables
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Prestige
The Machinist
Am trei filme interesante pentru tine:
Povestea unei crime
V from Vendetta :*
Păi eu chiar mă săturasem deja de filmele interesante.
Dar Da Vinci Code şi Angels and Demons sunt cele mai interesante.Cuplăcere
Mama, dorintele dianei (ceva de genu, stiu ca ceva cu Diana) sau papusa chucky ar fi daca vrei horror. Scarry Movie 5 Comedie-Horror sau ceva doar comedie ar fi Dracula, un mort iubaret. La horror ai grija, nu le urmari una dupa alta.
In Time
Real steel
The Butterfly Effect
The Impossible
Pacific Rim
World War Z
The Great Gatsby
Upside Down
Dear John
2012 s.a.
Scary Movie, American Pie, Movie 43, So Undercovered, Red Riding Hood, Thirtheen, Pacatoasa ( A), Beastly, Pitch Perfect, Bona...
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