Opposite Day (2009)
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Poate fi asta? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQK5Hh0L1Sg
sau vreunul din astea?
A Saintly Switch (1999) NFL Quarterback/Wife
All of Me (1984) Attorney/Client
All Screwed Up (2009) Jock/Nerd
The Change-Up (2011) Professor/Student
Detention (2011) Mother/Daughter (and timewarp)
Dream a Little Dream (1989) Teen/Elder
The Hot Chick (2002) Cheerleader/man (story follows the girl)
Identity Theft (2009) Male Lotto winner/Female in debit wanted by police
Like Father Like Son (1987) Father/Son
The Mephisto Waltz (1971) Concert Pianist/Music Journalist
Prelude to a Kiss (1992) Old Man/Bride
Sister Switch (2009) Brother/Pop star Sister
Turnabout (1940) Husband/Wife
Wish Upon a Star (1996) Sisters, Popular/Geek
trailer-ele le poti cauta tu pe YouTube!
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