Marmaduke, Saw 1 2 3 4 5 6, Norbirt, Still waiting..., The Uninvited, Hachiko : A dog's story, Aeon Flux, Piratii din Caraibe. etc.
Grudge 1, 2, 3, 4; Mirrors; Hora; Scream 1, 2, 3, 4; In dulap; Shutter; Orfana; Jocuri imaginare; Trupul lui Jennifer; Ultima casa pe stanga; Apel nepreluat; Paranormal activity; House; The unborn; The final destination; Drag me to hell; Legion; Ciuperci; Scary movie; The eye; Autopsy; The haunting in conecticut; Casa celor 13 fantome; Silent Hill; Satul; 1408; Transylmania; The box; The ruins; Jason x; Daybreaker; Pandorum; Amusement; Anaconda 3; 13 ore intr-un depozit; Gwoemul; Van helsing; Prom night; Blod and chocolate; Zombie strippes; Dorothy Mills; Gothika; The graves; The crazies; The final; Johan Hex; Altitude; Liberty; Cannibals; Denizen; House; First howl; Frost flowers; Psicho; Shelter; The summoning; Povesti de halloween; Knife edge; Clock Tower; Black Death; The cursed; Conan:Red nails; The horror vault 3; I, Lucifer. The Wolfman; Aftel dark; After life; Urban legends: Bloody mary; Hurt; Call of the hunter; Necrosis; Triangle; Imago mortis; Eulogy for a vampire; Zombie land; Vampiro; In a spiral state; Smash cut; Town creek; Phantom races; Halloween 2; A perfect getaway; Sororrity row; Carriers; Open graves; Cand fictiunea prinde viata; Boo; Eroare genetica; Carantina; The curious case of Benjamin Button; Boogeyman
Asta e lista de filme pe care ti-o recomand eu :* Succes
1.american pie(toate)
2. wild child
3. furry vengeance
4.mean girls
5. wallie
6. a walkt to remember(e de dragoste)
7.ghost month
8. orfelinatul
9. orfana to train your dragon
11.eurotrip of wax
14.home alone
15. spy hard
16. white chicks
17.sorority boys(la asta si la white chicks razi cu lacrimi )
18. un socru de cosmar
19. tatal miresei
20.the unborn
21. drag me to hell
22.denis,pericol public
23.paranormal activity
24.bloody mary
25.the others
26.secret window
27. mirrors
28.identity 39
30.silent hill
31. pulse(filmat in romania.cica) destination
33.jennifer's body
34.the grudge
35.the ring
38.the exorcism of emily rose
39.the messengers
ultimele(de la 23 la 40)sunt horror, dar mai sunt si prin celelalte filme restul sunt comedii. funda?
Incerca a tea pentru tot deauna
sau pentru tine din dragoste
sau el pentru ea
sau la ferma mea e super :X
Poi recomand Before you say "I do" E un film tare...comedie-romance asa
sper sa'ty placa