| CosmyCool a întrebat:

imi puteti sugera niste filme din genul horror/actiune? Sa fie bunebig grin.

Pentru a răspunde la o întrebare trebuie să ai cont pe TPU.ro
Răspuns Câştigător
| faramatania a răspuns:

Filme horror-acțiune:30 Days Of Night (2007),Dog Soldiers (2002),Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012),7500 (2014),Prometheus (2012),The Purge 1 și 2 (2013/2014),The Darkest Hour (2011),And Soon The Darkness (2010),Black Death (2010),The Maze (2010),The Crazies (2010),Dracula Untold (2014),Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead (2014),Joy Ride (seria/2001/2008/2014),Carriers (2009),Wyrmwood (2013),Savaged (Avenged 2013), Dead in Tombstone (2013),Haunted (Dark House 2014), VANish (2015)
Filme acțiune:Sabotage (2014),The Expendables 3 (2014),The Anomaly (2014),The Prince (2014),Left Behind (2014),Tokarev (2014),Brick Mansions (2014),Bullet (2014),Lucy (2014),Sin City: A Dame To Kill For (2014),Mea Culpa (2014),Sector 4: Extraction (2014),A Good Day To Die Hard (2013),Vehicle 19 (2013),Olympus Has Fallen (2013),White House Down (2013, The Cold Light Of Day (2012),Cold Comes The Night (2013),Jack Reacher (2012),Bullet To The Head (2012),Gangster Squard (2013),The Place Beyond The Pines (2012),Drive (2011),How I Spent My Summer Vacation (Get The Gringo (2012),Hummingbird (2013),Dead Man Down (2013),Parker (2013),The Counselor (2013),Broken City (2013), The November Man (2014),A Walk Among The Tombstones (2014),Kill Me Three Times (2014),88 (2014),Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014),Nightcrawler (2014),Vice (2015),Wild Card (2015),Everly (2015),Fast And Furious 7 (2015),Taken 3 (2015),Blackhat (2015),Rampage: Capital Punishment (2014),Run All Night (2015),San Andreas (2015),Mortdecai (acț-comedie 2015), Blackhat (2015),Terminator: Genisys (2015),Mad Max: Fury Road (2015),Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (acț-comedie 2015), Tracers (2015),Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)

8 răspunsuri:
| Pricked a răspuns:

Horror:The babadook, As above so below
Actiune:The departed, Sin city, Inside man

| CristiDinBucuresti a răspuns:

Ratele la bancă, si criza mondială, scarry movie, horror, pune acordul părintilor, stai sub pat de fricălaughing laughing

| Sn4k3 a răspuns:

Wrong turn (seria)
The hills have eyes 1, 2
Vineri 13
Jeepers Creepers 1, 2
Rest Stop 1, 2
Vacancy 1, 2
The Breed
Dark Summer
Predators (2010)
Haunting of Whaley house
House on haunted hill 1, 2
House of fears
Paranormal activity 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
The Conjuring
The last exorcist
Exorcist of Emily Rose
The pyramid
Blood Widow
Unfriended. Vizionare placuta!

| Th3AbSinTh3 a răspuns:

Si horror si actiune
pai 28 days later
wrong turn 1-6

| ItsMeUncleDolanOrDolanDuk a răspuns:

Cybernatural (2014)
It Follows (2014)
The Babadook (2014)
Maggie (2015

| aaabbbcccc999 a răspuns:

The Blood Widow,
Poltergeist 2015
Casa conspitativa
Dealurile insangerate 2
Halloween toate partille
Night of the demon 1 si 2
Ziua mumiei
Etc...mai gasesti tu

| ステファン a răspuns:

1.The Conjuring (e genial).
2.As Above so Below

| anonimaraspunde a răspuns:

Un film horror bun : The Conjuring, merita vazut
Este vorba despre o cas bantuita, in crle din urma familia carese muta acolo va fi urmarita de demonisi practic vor convietuii cu ei o perioada pana cand un cuplu de asa zisi "Vanatori de fantome "din vremea aceea ii vor ajuta sa scape de acestia si isi vor putea continua viata linistiti. Nu este foarte inspaimantator dar are cateva parti mai horror. eu sincer m-am speriat putin insa nu l-am vazut singura!winking big grin

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