Remember me
The Last Song
Letters to Juliet
Dear John
Water for elephants
When Harry met Sally
Someone like you
Notting Hill
A Good Year
Dirty Dancing
P. s I love You
Love and other drugs
It's Kind of a Funny Story
I am number four
The Notebook
A little bit of heaven
When in Rome
The Back-up Plan
What happens in Vegas...
The Edge of love
Music and Lyrics
Filmele sunt nasoale, treci si uita-te la animeuri, sunt mult mult mai apasatoare si emotionale decat filmele [da ma indoiesc ca o sa faci asa ceva oricum]
Letters to Juliet
Remember me
27 dresses
Dear John
13 going on 30
Monte Carlo
The last song
Just my luck
Friends with beneffits
What's your number
Good luck Chak
I'm number four
The notebook
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