One missed call
Drag me to hell.
Silent Hill
The Exorcist
Final destination
The exorcism of Emily Rose
Tarata in iad
The Unborn
The Uninvited
Camera 1408
Casa de Ceara
The Beast from 20, 000 Fathoms
The Ring
Saw(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
The butterfly effect
Oglinzi ucigase
The Haunting in Connecticut
Stay Alive
Bloody Mary
Ti-as zice niste filme de pe lista mea cu filme horror mai rar intalnite dar mi-e lene sa scriu
Sillent Hill, Mirrors(1, 2), A haunting in Connecticut(1, 2), boogeyman(1, 2, 3.), Saw(1, 2, 3.), Step father, Bloody Marry, Paranormal Activity, Exorcist of Emily Rose, One Missed Call, Clowerfield, After dark horror fest : autopsy, House of wax, Messengers ( 1, 2 ) The grudge, The hills have eyes, The last house on the left, The ring, Unborn, The uninvited, Wrong turn, the ring, the last exorcism, the mist, 30 days of night.
Uite eu am vazut,, stiu ce ai facut asta vara" 1, 2 si 3 dar cred ca era si 4. dar parca nu toate se numesc asa parca mai era si,, mai stii ce ai facut asta vara?". dar oricum scrie nr. 1 2 final destination 1, 2, 3, 4 sunt vreau fundita doar am vrut sa ti le zic kci eu le adooor! multi pwpici.iti doresc sperieturi frumoase!
Paranormal activity 1, 2
mirrors 1, 2
drag me to hell
my bloody valentyne's
friday 13
the grudge
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