Selena Gomez
Ramona and Beezus (2010)
Princess Protection Program
Another Cinderella Story
What's Stevie Thinking?
Miley Cyrus
The Last Song
Hannah Montana: The Movie - Hannah Montana: Filmul
Big fish dar nu e in rolul principal
Demi Lovato
Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam
Princess Protection Program
Pai ar fi : Hannah Montana the movie, O alta cenusareasa moderna, Camp rock 1 si 2, Programul de protectie al printeselor, The last song(Ultimul cantec) si cam atate sper ca te-am ajutat pup
Pai...Another Cinderella story, Wizard from Weverly Place the movie (Selena Gomez), The Last song, Hannah Montana The movie (Miley Cyrus), Protection program for princess (Demi si Selena), Camp Rock 1, 2 (Demi Lovato ) si cam atat cred...
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