21 & Over
The Hangover Part.III
Movie 43
Here Comes The Boom
Identity Thief
Project X
The Dictator
The Campaign
The Three Stooges
Sex Drive
Death At a Funeral (2007)
Bad Teacher
Grown Ups
Am mai multe:
Norbit (cu Eddie Murphy in trei roluri)
Home Alone
Craciunul cu familia Krank
The Mask (cu Jim Carrey si Cameron Diaz)
Distractie cu Dick si Jane (taree raw filmu; cu Jim Carrey)
Yes Man (tare raw; cu Jim Carrey)
Liar Liar (cu Jim Carrey)
Spionul Dardana
Spionul din vecini (cu Jackie Chan)
After School Special
Our Idiot Brother
Lower Learning
Boy Toy
Toy Story (I, II, II)
The Dog Who Saved Halloween
The Change-Up (Daca as fi...tu?)
The Trip
Mr. Popper`s penguins (cu Jim Carrey)
Alvin and the Chipmunks
American Pie
The Hangover (Marea Mahmureala I, II)
Mardi Gras:Spring Break
Click:Zapand prin viata (cu Adam Sandler si Christopher Walken)
Dl. Deeds, mostenitor fara voie (cu Adam Sandler si John Turturo)
Deuce Bigalow, European Gigolo (marfa raw)
Big Stan (si mai si)
De Dana Dan
toate filmele cu Tom si Jerry
Someone like you (Jocurile Seductiei)
Jonny English (cu Rowan Atkinson)
Monsters.INC (Compania Monstrilor)
The Smurfs (Strumpfii)
Peep World
Doi socri de cosmar (cu Adam Sandler si Robert DeNiro)
Gravidul (cu Arnold Swartzenegger si Danny DeVito)
Uite cine vorbeste (I, II cu John Travolta)
Si cam atat... stiam multe mai tari, dar nu mi le amintesc...
sper ca te-am putut ajuta
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