SF: (dacă nu punem la socoteală filmele din seria Star Wars, Star Trek, Planeta Maimuțelor, Aliens, Transformers, Terminator, Marvel, DC): Ready Player One, Edge of Tomorrow, Interstellar, Oblivion, Serenity, Gravity, The Fifth Element, The Martian, War of the Worlds, I, Robot, Pacific Rim, Avatar, Midnight Special, Ghost in the Shell, Starship Troopers, Blade Runner, Blade Runner 2049, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, Sunshine, Total Recall, The Abyss
Comedii SF: Spaceballs, Paul, Galaxy Quest, Mars Attacks!, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The World's End
Comedii: Hot Fuzz, The Hangover, Shaun of the Dead, Snatch, Super Troopers, filmele din seria Friday cu Ice Cube
SF: Alita Battle Ángel, First Man, Intersetllar, Jurassic World toată seria, Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor strange, Antman, Iron Man, Avengers seria.
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