Wrong turn, the chainsaw massacre, the hills have eyes, hatchet, feast 1 si 2, black water, death snow
Hatchet 1,2
Friday the 13th
The hills run red
Texas chainsaw massacre
The house of 10.000 corpses
House of wax
Sper sa-ti placa
Iti zic unul! Destinatia finala. sau amityville dar in amyti scapa toti. funa?
Creatura, black sheep, escapee, wolf creek, shark night, the hills have eyes 1 si 2, wrong turn 1, 2, 4, clubul groazei, ciuperci, frozen, etc. va rog fundita:X?
Mai mi-am adus aminte cateva: bunnymen 1 si 2, madison county, friday 13, masacrul din texas...
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