| Edy_9245 a întrebat:

Imi puteti da niste filme despre razboi? Gen, Atacuri la casa alba, atac de coreeni etc

5 răspunsuri:
| IonutMirel111 a răspuns:

13 Hours : Soldiers of Benghazi

| LadyDee89 a răspuns:

Evadare de la Colditz
Beasts of no nation
Black hawk down
The last samurai
Nu cred ca e ce iti doreai, dar mie mi-au placut! mai ales primul

Userul Lunii
| floresdemayo a răspuns:

Operation Chromite (2016), Northern Limit Line (2015), 71: Into the Fire (2010), Dunkirk (2017), Lone Survivor (2013), My Way (2011), Rescue Dawn (2006), Under sandet (2015), Fury (2014), The Objective (2008), Stop-Loss (2008), Red Dawn (2012)
Atacuri la Casa Albă: White House Down (2013), Olympus Has Fallen (2013), G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)

| vanilla80 a răspuns:

Recomand serialul Band of Brothers.

| Adry05 a răspuns:

Top gun
Salvati sodatul Ryan
Nimic nou pe frontul de vest
The pianist
Lista lui Schiendler