Leap Year, Tooth Fairy, When in Rome, Dear John, Valentines Day, Yellow Handkerchief, Alice in Wonderland, Remember Me, The Bounty Hunter, The Last Song, Date Night, The Back-up Plan, Letters to Juliet, Killers, Grown Ups, Knight and Day, Ramona and Beezus, Charlie St Cloud, Step Up 3D, John Tucker Must Die, Good Luck Chuck, Eat Pray Love, Easy A, Stomp the Yard, Love Wrecked , What A Girl Wants, Hairspray, She's The Man, Bandslam, High School Musical 1,2,3, StarStruck, 16 Wishes, A Cinderella Story, Another Cinderella Story, Greta, You Again. Sunt cateva drame dar cele mai multe sunt comedii romantice, filme de familie si de dragoste. Merita sa le vezi Vizionare placuta !
Love story 2050
Spread(Playboy de L.A.)
Cruel Intentions:I,II,III
The Confesions Of A Teenage Drama Queen
Vicky Christina Barcelona
Confessions of a Shoppaholic
The Lizzie Mc Guire Movie
Agent Cody Banks
Raise your Voice
The Perfect Man
Material Girls
Strictly Sexual
The Hottie and The Nottie
The Girl Next Door
The Devil Wears Prada
Over Her Dead Body
Jennifer's Body
Just Like Heaven
Match Point
Step Up:I,II
Good Luck Chuck
Mean Girls
Labor Pains
High School Musical:I, II
Bring It On: AllOrNothing, InItToWinIt, FightToTheFinish
Just My Luck
Ghost Of Girlfriends Past
Dirty Deeds
What Happens In Vegas
Sper ca te-am ajutat!
Eu iti spun ce mi-a placut mie:
Freaky Friday(penal filmu)
Just My Luck
Mean Girls
Not Anothe Teen Movie
American Pie(primele 3 parti)
Nu mai stiu)
17 Again
Raise Your Voice
...eu unu iti recomand seriale
American Pie, M.I.L.F, http://www.filmoteca.ro/filme/gen-comedie?cu=tag:adolescenti :)
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