Uite aici cateva:
-The Vampire Diaries
-The X-Files
-The Walking Dead
-True Blood
-Tales from the Crypt
-Being Human
-Dead Set
-Blood Ties
-The Dead Zone
-Harper's Island
-Masters of Horror
-Eleventh Hour
-Nightmares and Dreamscapes: From the Stories of Stephen King
-Fear Itself
-Blade: The Series
-Rose Red
-The Immortal
-The Listener
-Forever Knight
-Night Stalker
-The Hunger
Sper ca te'am ajutat, funda?
Iti recomand cu mare placere The walking dead -> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1520211/.
Poi uite cateva filme nu seriale
1.Marry Bloody
2.Scary moovie
3.The crudge 2
4.Casa celor 1000 de oglinzi
5.Casa celor 13 fantome
6.Casa de ceara
8.One missed call
9.Silent hill
Si cam atat:*...Iti recomand Bloody Marry, The Crudge 2 si Shutter daca cu adevarat vrei sa te sperii ingrozitor:* Fundaaa?
Uite aici o serie de seriale foarte bune - http://cinema.mozku.com/category/seriale-tv/