Lost,The Flash, Banshee, Hemlock Grove, From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, Forever, The 100, The Leftovers, Resurrection, Les revenants (The Returned 2012-), Helix, Outlander (2014-),Game Of Thrones, The Walking Dead, iZombie (2015-),The Last Ship, Gotham, The Killing, True Detective, Eye Candy (2015–),Murder In The First, Power, The Red Road, 12 Monkeys (2015–),Agent Carter (2015-),Better Call Saul (2015-spin-off Breaking Bad), Daredevil (2015-)
Game of Thrones,The Mentalist,Californication,House MD,Sherlock,How I Meet Your Mother,The Big Bang Theory,Umbre(serial romanesc),Under The domme(recomand si cartea)SmallVile,Friends,True Detective,Arrow,Castle,Lie to Me(seamana mult cu The Mentalist precizat mai sus),Hanibal, Prison Break, Vikings(produs de History Chanel), Suits, Constantine si cam atat.Vizionare placuta
The 100
The Walking Dead
Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad
Grey's Anatomy
Pretty Little Liars
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