One Day (2011),Pride & Prejudice (2005),Buna! Ce faci? (2010),Monster's Ball (2001),Love Story (1970),Poulet aux prunes (2011),Love and Other Drugs (2010),The Ugly Truth (2009),The Lost Valentine (2011),Valentine's Day (2010),The Piano (1993),Little Children (2006),Friends with Benefits (2011),The Goodbye Girl (1977),Boys Don't Cry (1999),Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967),It Happened One Night (1934),Gegen die Wand (2004).
Uita te la alea indiene cam toate sunt lacrimogene
veer zara, chalte chalte, mohabatein, sau unu care nu e indian the vow, titanic mai vrei?
Nu vreau indian. iar the vow si titanic le-am vazut
Tres metros sobre el cielo.E foarte frumos filmul.Are doua parti, a doua parte se numeste Tengo ganas de ti.
Uite o lista cu ele.
The Notebook, My Sassy Girl, 3 Idiots, The Art of Getting by, Silver Linings Playbook...
La astea am plans eu...
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