1: Meet the Fockers;
2:Life as we know it; Just go with it
3:The Hangover
4:Yours, mine and ours
5:21 and over
7:The Dictator
8:Happy Gilmore
10:Rush Hour 1, 2, 3 (2-ul e cel mai bun)
11:The big Wedding
12:American Pie 1-6 - primele 3 sunt mai ok
13:Euro trip
14:When in Rome
15:What Happens in Vegas
16:New York Minute
17roject X
18:FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS - o comedie romantică epică, adorabilă și foarte comică
19:The Change Up
20:Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging
22eath at a Funeral
23:How to lose a guy in 10 days
24:Jackass 3D
25:You don't mess with the Zohan
26:Starsky and Hutch : The Movie
27:The Producers
28:That's my boy
29:It's boy girl thing
30:John Tucker Must Die
31:Identity thief
33:Get him to the greek
34:Ia ghici, cine?
35:Grandma's Boy
36:Grown Ups
37:Forrest Gump
38:The Slammin Salmon
39:Guess who
40:White chicks
41:Road trip
42:My awkward sexual adventure- prea maxim
43:21 jump street
44:40 year old virgin
46:Zack and Miri make a porno
47:Scary movie-5
48:I give it a year
50:Growing up
52:Here comes the boom- e epic
53:A haunted house- parodie dupa 54aranormal Activity e genial
55:senior skip day
56:the five year engagement
57:Mr deeds
58:Little Man
59:Meet Bill
60:This is 40
61:Ramona and Beezus - comedie de familie
62:Baby's Day Out
63:Just married
64:Liar Liar
65:The Spy Next Door - cu Jackie Chan și niște copii amuzanți, e foarte bun
66:Overnight Delivery
67:You again
68:Stagiarii - e nou și e geniaaal.
69:You me and Dupree
70:Legally Blonde
71:She's out of my league
72:The heartbreak kid
73:Horrible bosses
74rinking Buddies
75:Seeking a Friend for the End of the 76:World
77:Friends with kids
78:white chicks
79:Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004)
80:Harold & Kumar Escape from 81:Guantanamo Bay (2008)
82:Beerfest (2006)
83:The School of Rock (2003)
84:Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny (2006)
85:The Big Year (2011)
86:Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
87:Step Brothers (2008)
88ue Date (2010)
89inner for Schmucks (2010)
90:Anger Management (2003)
91:Me, Myself & Irene (2000)
92:Little Nicky (2000)
93:Click (2006)
94:Marley and me
95:We're the Millers
96:The Heat
97umnezeu pentru o zi
98:Bad Grandpa
99:Look who's taking, Look who's
100:Hot tub time machine
101:Yes Man
102:Bad kids go to hell
103:Movie 43
104:Shaun of the dead
105:Scott Pilgrim vs the world
106:Hot Fuzz
107umb & Dumber
108:Blue Streak
110:About last night
111:Think like a man
112:The Mask
113:Ace Ventura
114:Next Day Air
115:The Hot Chick
116:Johnny English Reborn
117:Walk of Shame
118:Baf Teacher
Lol mi-a luat 20 minute, si wow nu stiam ca stiu atatea comedii bafta la vizionat si sper ca te-am ajutat la ceva
De fapt e That Awkward Moment...
Grown Ups 1 și 2 (2010/2013),The Dictator (2012),Borat (2006),The Hangover (seria), Four Lions (2010),Sex Drive (2008),Death At A Funeral (2007),A Few Best Men (2011),Bad Teacher (2011),High School (2010),Senseless (1998),The World's End (2013),Walk Of Shame (2014),The Angriest Man In Brooklyn (2014),Wrong Cops (2013),Behaving Badly (2014),Blended (2014),Sotto Una Buona Stella (2014)
O sa-ti dau cele mai bune comedii, nu 100 de filme.
* Marea mahmureala ( 1, 2, 3 ).
* Bad Grandpa ( cel mai tare film de comedie, o sa-ti placa la nebunie ).
* 21 Jump street.
* The mask.
* Yes man, yes!
*Bruce Almighty.
O sa fiu sincer daca vrei un film la care sa faci pe tine de ras uitate la movie 43 toata lumea stie ca parodiile sunt cele mai bune filme de comedie cum ar fi scary movie sau a haunted house dar daca te uiti la astea sa stii ca au un pic de horror uitate de asemenea la parodiile de la twilight sau parodia de la the hunger games se numeste the starwing games sunt filme bune iti recomand sa te uiti la astea la inceput pentru ca eu am vazut cam 95% din filmele de mai jos asa ca vizionare placuta daca cumva vrei sa-ti dau un link pentru ceva site anunta-ma vizionare placuta
The ugly truth.O sa razi pe tot parcursul filmului si este foarte captivant.
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