Filme de acest gen ar fi:
1. A Nightmare on Elm Street
2. An American Werewolf in London
3. Carrie
4. The Evil Dead
5. Halloween
6. Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
7. Jaws (Widescreen Anniversary Collector's Edition)
8. Lost Highway
9. Night of the Living Dead
10. Poltergeist
11. Psycho
12. Rosemary's Baby
13. Seven
14. The Silence Of The Lambs
15. The Exorcist
16. The Hitcher
17. The Omen
18. The Shining
19.The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
20. The Thing
Sper ca iti ajung
Vizionare placuta!
House of Wax
The Fly
One Missed Call
The Grudge
Dead Silence
Hostel (aici avem cele doua parti)
The mist
30 days of night
The hills have eyes(tot doua parti)
Cabin fever
Wolf creek
Pitch black
The reaping
Shutter (cel din 2004, dar si cel din 2008)
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