| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

La ce filme de razboi ma pot uita?
Nu conteaza anul.

8 răspunsuri:
| CuriousStuff a răspuns:

Saving Private Ryan. (razboi modern)
Braveheart (razboi mai vechi)

| Adaliskaa a răspuns:


| Calin_Evelina_1993 a răspuns:

Lunetistul laughing

| faramatania a răspuns:

The Monuments Men (2014),The Imitation Game (2014),Inglourious Basterds (2008),Unbroken (2014),Flowers Of War (2011),The Book Thief (2013),Der Untergang (2004),Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2016),Fury (2014),Anthropoid (2016),Allied (2016)

| Afroditlove a răspuns:

Battle for Sevastopol, Pearl Harbor, Schindler's List, The Pianist, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, etc

| cristi202 a răspuns:

Behind the enemy lines, cu Owen Wilson
Enemy at the gates, cu Jude Law
We were soldiers, cu Mel Gibson
Independece Day, cu Will Smith, dar e si SF

| Sn4k3 a răspuns:

Lone Survivor
Tears of Sun.

Userul Lunii
| floresdemayo a răspuns:

Rescue Dawn (Evadare în zori, 2006), Lone Survivor (2013), The Objective (2008)