Stiu ca ar putea suna ciudat sa-ti recomand niste filme din anii '50-'60, dar Alfred Hitchcock este renumit pentru filmele sale horror. Un film horror psihologic este Psycho (1960)- f bun film si chiar te tin in suspans.
S-ar putea sa-ti mai placa si : The Birds(1962)
Rear Window,
Dial M for Murder,
Strangers on the Train,
The Rope.
Sper sa-ti placa recomandarile mele. Vizionare plăcută!
The Amityville Horror (2005),The Haunting In Connecticut (2009),The Haunting In Connecticut 2: Ghosts Of Georgia (2013),Insidious (seria/2010/2013/2015/2018),The Woman In Black (2012/2014),Sinister (2012/2015),June (2015),Poltergeist (2015),The Skeleton Key (2005),Backtrack (2015),Drag Me To Hell (2009),The Unborn (2009),Case 39 (2009),The Grudge (seria 2004/2006/2009),The Boy (2016),The Bye Bye Man (2017),Lights Out (2016),Incarnate (2016)
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