Sleepy Hollow
The ninth gate
Shutter island
Secret window
Dream house
The prestige
Mystic River
Dragoste :
Fools rush in
PS I love you
Crazy stupid love
The english patient
13 going on 30
License to Wed
17 again
The wedding planer
She's the man
Fantezie :
Charlie and the chocolate factory
Alice in Wonderland
16 wishes
teen spirit
War of the worlds
World War Z
The hunger games
I am legend
the colony
pacific rim
Vezi detalii la linkul :
1. http://www.imdb.com/genre/mystery
2. http://www.imdb.com/genre/romance
3. http://www.imdb.com/genre/fantasy
4. http://www.imdb.com/genre/sci_fi
Toate cele bune!
1.The Captive (2014),Before I Disappear (2014),Cold In July (2014),Image (2014),The Boy Next Door (2015),Magic Magic (2013),Ask Me Anything (2014),Love Me (2012),Another Me (2013)
2.Endless Love (2014),Before We Go (2015),In Your Eyes (2014),Love,Rosie (2014),Effie Gray (2014),The Best Of Me (2014),The Vow (2012),Safe Haven (2013),Very Good Girls (2013),Breathe In (2013),The Notebook (2004),The Longest Ride (2015),The Age Of Adaline (2015),By The Sea (20 11 2015 cu Angelina Jolie și Brad Pitt)
3.The Cobbler (2014),’ll Follow You Down (2014),One And Two (2015),After The Dark (The Philosophers 2013), The Speed Of Thought (2011),Seventh Son (2014),
4.Coherence (2013),Terminator Genisys (2015),Predestination (2014),Parallels (2015),Project Almanac (2014),The Signal (2014),Lucy (2014),Transcendence (2014),Jupiter Ascending (2015),Snowpiercer (2013)
2. Friends with benefits
3. Percy Jackson 1, 2
The Hunger Games 1, 2, 3
4. Jumper
Area 51. Vizionare placuta! Cauta pe google altele.
1. The last will and testament of rosalind leigh (2012), e destul de psihologic, cu un impact puternic la final, are o tenta de horror.
The 6th sense, IT, Poltergesit 2015, Selfless.
2.Killing Me Softly, Nightmare Before Christmas altceva cu tenta nu am vazut, si nu vreau sa recomand ceva nevazut. Dar cum dragostea aduce a drama, o sa-ti recomand I am Sam, si Dupa Dealuri. ( are ceva tenta de romantism)
3. Narnia, Horns, Interrstelar, Charlie si fabrica de Ciocolata.
4. Seria Alien, Jurassic World, Children of the Damned, Firestarter.
Nu îmi vine nici un film în momentul de faţă, dar dacă te-ai întreţine cu timpul, şi mi-ai putea accepta sfatul. ai putea urmări Supernatural (serial), dacă nu ai făcut-o deja.
Acaparează puţin din toate genurile existente, şi pot spune sincer că merită vizionat.
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