Comedii bune: Top Gun 1 si 2
Film, e actiune: seria de filme OceanTwelve
Serial: StarGate, toate serialele si seriile
Comedie Ratatouille (2007),Tangled (2010),Ted (2012),Just Go with It (2011),Kung Fu Panda (2008),Grown Ups (2010),Intouchables (2011) =ai ce invata din filmul asta, The Bucket List (2007) =alt film din care ce ai invata, importanta vieti, The Girl Next Door (2004),The Mask (1994)
Mister/thriller The Curious Case of Benjamin Button =este super, Shutter Island (2010),The Prestige (2006),Meet Joe Black (1998),Unknown (2011),Changeling (2008),Memento (2000),Orphan (2009),The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011),The Number 23 (2007),Phone Booth (2002),Silent Hill (2006),Abduction (2011),Transcendence (2014),The Machinist (2004),Secret Window (2004),Premonition (2007)
crime =Law Abiding Citizen (2009),Wanted (2008),Prisoners (2013),Frank Miller's Sin City (2005),Looper (2012),
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