| SandraHood12 a întrebat:

Niste seriale scurte (un sezon-doua) sau filme interesante? Rapid ca-s plictisita happy

3 răspunsuri:
| faramatania a răspuns:

Seriale scurte: Mad Dogs, The Night Manager, The Night Of, The Divide (2014), Damien, Second Chance, Blood & Oil, Wicked City, Wayward Pines
Câteva filme interesante: Down By Love (Éperdument 2016), Goat (2016),The Land (2016),Solitary (2015),Divines (2016),Always Shine (2016),Blood Orange (2016)

| Sn4k3 a răspuns:

The River
Off the map
Rush. Seriale de 1 sezon, doar off the map are doua.

| CuriousStuff a răspuns:

Recomand Constantine (si filmul si serialul) serialul are doar un sezon dar e foarte fain.

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