Si eu sunt mare fan American Horror Story, aici poti gasi mai multe citate
De cele mai multe ori Tate Langdon înjură.
Dacă îți trebuie neapărat citate le poți găsi pe site-ul acesta (nu le pot posta aici). (caută la „Quotes").
Bun, it voi da citate care chiar mi-au pecare le-am copiate de pe diferite siteuri.
" close your eyes and remember everything is gonna be okay.i love you."
" you're all i want! you re all i have!"
" i'll wait forever if i have to"
" dont you die on me violet!"
"i care about your feelings more than mine. i love you. there i said it! "
si mai erau chestiile despre kurt cobain de pe plaja. nu le-am retinut. oricum...suna gay dar personajul e absolut genial. oricum dabia astept sezonul 2! ideea serialului e bestiala!
The world is a filthy place, It's a filthy goddamn horror show. There's so much pain you know? There's so much." I prepare for the noble war. I'm calm; I know the secret. I know what's coming, and I know no one can stop me, including myself. I kill people I like. Some of them beg for their life. I don't feel sad. I don't feel anything. It's a filthy world we live in. It's a filthy goddamn helpless world, and honestly, I feel like I am helping to take them away from the *** and the piss and the vomit that run through the street. I am helping to take them somewhere clean and cand. The world is a filthy place; It's a filthy goddamn horror show. There's so much pain, you know? There's so much... There is something about all that blood; I drown in it. The Indians believed that blood holds all the bad spirits, and once a month in ceremonies they would cut themselves to let the spirits go free. Now, there is something smart about that, very smart. I like that. You think I'm crazy?" You know what you have to do." (Tate): "Yeah, I do. I just have to prepare myself. It's not fun. Hi, I'm Tate. I'm dead. Wanna hook up?" PA`i eu le ador Daca vrei iti dau si traducerile
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