| momo a întrebat:

Poate cineva sa-mi dea exemple de filme de groaza happy... multumesc anticipat...

Răspuns Câştigător
| PamPamRawwr a răspuns:

Saw, one missed call, jennifer's body, orphan(nu e asa horror dar merita), the grudge, my blody valentine, the final destination, the human centiped...etc
eu nu sunt genul care se sperie si filmele astea sunt mai mult infricosatoare prin povestea lor, nu prin actiune.thinking

4 răspunsuri:
| Duudy a răspuns:

^The eye^
^the Unborn^
^Case 39^
^El orphanage^
^Drag me to Hell^
^Trick or Treat?^
^Jurnalul Diavolului^
^Bride Wars^
^Dealuri insangerate^
^Final Destination^
^Nightmare on Elmstreet^
^Scary Movie^
^The seamstress^
^The Grudge^ (toatee; x)
^Cirque du freak:the vampire assistent^
^Casa de ceara^
^The hills run red^
^Silent Hill^
^Saw^[toateee; x]
^Albino Farm^
^Sorority Row^
^The haunting in Connecticut^
^The omen^
^13 hourd in a warehouse^
^Wrong Turn^
^The texas chainsaw massacre^
Sper sa-ti placa big grin

| crackiswack a răspuns:

The Exorcist, Poltergeist, A haunting in Connecticut, American Haunting, The Messengers, Stephen King's IT...astea sunt mai interesante