Date Night, A walk to remember, The notebook, Remember me, Slumdog milionaire, Blind date, Elsewhere, 8 mile, Get rich or die Tryin', Charlie St.Cloud, Miracle Run, Unrequited, Titanic, Blue Lagoon, Speak, Thirteen, I am legend, Mr.Nobody, Hancock, Hurt, The curious case of Benjamin Button, P. S:I love you, When in Rome, The back-up plan, Keith, Open house, Seven Pounds, How to make love to a woman, Ten inch hero, The echo, Accidents happen, Juno, My giant, The proposal, The bounty haunter, After life, Half light, 21, Second coming, Requiem for a dream, The pursuit of happyness etc. Sper ca te'am ajutat
Cruel intentions
the notebook si a walk to remember (dupa romane scrise de nicholas sparks la fel ca si dear john si last song)
the holiday (asta nu-i cu adolescenti dar e foarte fain)
atat imi vine acum desi am vazut o gramada de filme romantice dar si drame
Zaara, Triunghiul iubirii, In cautarea fericirii, Culoarea fericirii... Ei bine, eu doar la astea ma uit, si sunt super cool!
Vasilina întreabă: