| ANIRIiriANIRI a întrebat:

Recomandati-mi si mie niste seriale mai bune, de preferabil in engleza(funda si vot pentru cele mai bune)

6 răspunsuri:
| ICanSeeAll a răspuns:

Gossip girl
vampire diaries
pretty little liars
house md


| dedede003 a răspuns:

Chuck, Grey's Anatomy, The Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl, Legend of the Seeker

| JustDoIt456 a răspuns:

One tree hill, pretty little liars

| CosticaShtrengarul a răspuns:

F.R.I.E.N.D.S (cel mai tare serial facut vreodatawinking ), Seinfeld, The Big Bang Theory, Two And A Half Men...sunt multe!

| laurasory a răspuns:

Revenge,The Vmapire Diaries,Suernatural,American horror story,the o.c, glee, Grey´s Anatomy,... daca nu leai vazut ti le recomandhappy

| laurasory a răspuns:

Supernatural,grey´s anatomy, revengehappy