Nr. Titlu (engleză) Titlu (română)
1 Pokémon I Choose You! Pokémon Te Aleg Pe Tine!
2 Pokémon Emergency! Urgență Pokémon!
3 Ash Catches A Pokémon Ash Prinde un Pokémon
4 Challenge of the Samurai Provocarea Samuraiului
5 Showdown In Pewter City Confruntare În Orașul Pewter
6 Clefairy And The Moon Stone Clefairy Și Piatra Lunii
7 The Water Flowers Of Cerulean City Florile Apei Din Orașul Cerulean
8 The Path to the Pokémon League Drumul Către Liga Pokémon
9 The School of Hard Knocks Școala Pokémon
10 Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village Bulbasaur Și Satul Ascuns
11 Charmander - The Stray Pokémon Charmander - Pokémon-ul Rătăcit
12 Here Comes The Squirtle Squad Feriți-vă De Echipa Squirtle
13 Mystery At The Lighthouse Mister La Far
14 Electric Shock Showdown Confruntare Șocantă
15 Battle Aboard The St. Anne Bătălie La Bordul St. Anne
16 Pokémon Shipwreck Epava Pokémon
17 Island of the Giant Pokémon Insula Pokémon-ilor Giganți
- Beauty and the Beach Frumoasa Și ... Plaja
18 Tentacool & Tentacruel Tentacool Și Tentacruel
19 The Ghost of Maiden's Peak Fantoma Fecioarei De Pe Stâncă
20 Bye Bye Butterfree La Revedere Butterfree!
21 Abra and the Psychic Showdown Abra Și Confruntarea Psihică
22 The Tower of Terror Turnul Terorii
23 Haunter Versus Kadabra Haunter Versus Kadabra
24 Primeape Goes Bananas Primeape Vrea Banane
25 Pokémon Scent-sation! Senzația Aromelor Pokémon
26 Hypno's Naptime Ora De Somn A Lui Hypno
27 Pokémon Fashion Flash Moda Pokémon
28 The Punchy Pokémon Pokémon-ul Luptător
29 Sparks Fly For Magnemite Scânteile Zboară Pentru Magnemite
30 Dig Those Diglett Scapați De Digglet
31 The Ninja Poké-Showdown Confruntarea Poké-ninja
32 The Flame Pokémon-athon! Flacăra Maratoului Pokémon
33 The Kangaskhan Kid Copilul-Kangaskhan
- The Legend of Dratini Legenda Lui Dratini
34 The Bridge Bike Gang Gașca Bicicliștilor De Pe Pod
35 Ditto's Mysterious Mansion Casa Misterioasă A Lui Ditto
- Electric Soldier Porygon Soldatul Electric Porygon
36 Pikachu's Goodbye Pikachu Își Ia Rămas Bun
37 The Battling Eevee Brothers Frații Luptători Eevee
38 Wake Up Snorlax! Trezește-te Snorlax!
39 Showdown At Dark City Confruntare În Orașul Întunecat
40 The March Of The Exeggutor Squad Marșul Echipei Executor
41 The Problem with Paras Problema Cu Paras
42 The Song Of Jigglypuff Cântecul Lui Jigglypuff
43 Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon Atacul Pokémon-ului Preistoric
44 A Chansey Operation O Operațiune Chansey
45 Holy Matrimony! Sf\nte Matrimoniale
46 So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd Atât De Aproape, Atât De Farfetch'd
47 Who Gets to Keep Togepi? Cine Îl Păstrează Pe Togepi
48 Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden Grădina Misterioasă A Lui Bulbasaur
49 Princess Versus Princess Prințesă Versus Prințesă
50 The Purr-fect Hero Eroul Perfect
51 The Case of the K-9 Caper! Cazul K-9
52 Pokémon Paparazzi Paparazzi Pokémon
53 The Ultimate Test Testul Suprem
54 The Breeding Center Secret Secretul Centrului De Creștere
55 Riddle Me This Ghicește Asta
56 Volcanic Panic Panică Vulcanică
57 Beach Blank-Out Blastoise Blastoise-ul De Pe Plajă
58 The Misty Mermaid Fecioara Misty
59 Clefairy Tales Povești Cu Clefairy
60 The Battle Of The Badge Bătălia Pentru Insignă
61 It's Mr. Mime Time E Timpul Lui Mr.Mime
62 Holiday Hi-Jynx Sărbătoarea Cu Jynx
63 Snow Way Out Calea Înzăpezită Către Afară
64 Showdown at the Po-Ké Corral Confruntare La Coralii Poké
65 The Evolution Solution Soluție La Evoluție
66 The Pi-Kahuna Pi-Kakuna
67 Make Room for Gloom Faceți Loc Pentru Gloom
68 Lights, Camera, Quack-tion! Lumină, Cameră, Acțiune
69 Go West Young Meowth Către Vest Tinere Meowth
70 To Master The Onix-pected Stăpânirea Onix-ului
71 The Ancient Puzzle Of Pokémopolis Puzzle-ul Antic Al Pokémopolisului
72 Bad To The Bone Rău Până La Os
73 All Fired Up! Toți Sunt Aprinși
74 Round One - Begin! Runda Întâi - Începeți!
75 Fire And Ice Foc Și Gheață
76 The Fourth Round Rumble A Patra Rundă
77 A Friend In Deed Un Prieten Adevărat
78 Friend And Foe Alike Prieten Și Dușman
79 Friends To The End Prieteni Până La Sfârșit
80 Pallet Party Panic Panică La Petrecerea Din Pallet
[modificare]Sezon 2: Orange Islands
Nr. Titlu (engleză) Titlu (română)
81 A Scare in the Air O Sperietură În Aer
82 Pokéball Peril Pierirea Poké-mingilor
83 The Lost Lapras Lapras-ul Pierdut
84 Fit To Be Tide La Fix Pentru Ce Trebuie
85 Pikachu Re-Volts Pikachu Se Reîncarcă
86 The Crystal Onix Onix-ul De Cristal
87 In The Pink În Roz
88 Shell Shock Șocul
89 Stage Fight Luptă De Scenă
90 Bye Bye Psyduck La Revedere Psyduck
91 The Joy Of Pokémon Bucuria Pokémon-ilor
92 Navel Maneuvers Manevre Nautice
93 Snack Attack Atac Pe Furiș
94 A Shipful Of Shivers Țăndări
95 Meowth Rules! Meowth Conduce
96 Tracey Gets Bugged Tracey E Bug-uit
97 A Way Off Day Off La O Zi Distanță
98 The Mandarin Island Miss-match Meciul De Pe Insula Mandarin
99 Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon? Unde sunteți, Pokémon?
100 Get Along, Little Pokémon Vino Cu Noi, Micule Pokémon
101 The Mystery Menace Amenințarea Misterioasă
102 Misty Meets Her Match Misty Își Întâlnește Provocarea
103 Bound For Trouble Întotdeauna Pericol
104 Charizard Chills Charizard Se Liniștește
105 The Pokémon Water War Războiul Pokémon-ilor De Apă
106 Pokémon Food Fight Lupta Pentru Mâncare Pokémon
107 Pokémon Double Trouble Pericol Dublu Pokémon
108 The Wacky Watcher Observatorul Măcăit
109 The Stun Spore Detour Deturul Prafului Paralizant
110 Hello Pummelo Bună Pummelo
111 Enter The Dragonite Intră În Scena Dragonite
112 Viva Las Lapras Trăiască Lapras
113 The Underground Round Up O Rundă Sub Pământ
114 A Tents Situation O Situație Despre Corturi
115 The Rivalry Revival Învierea Rivalității
[modificare]Sezon 3: The Johto Journeys
Nr. Titlu (engleză) Titlu (română)
116 Don't Touch That 'Dile Nu Atinge Acel 'Dile
117 The Double Trouble Header Pericol Dublu
118 A Happy Ending Un Final Fericit
119 Roll On, Pokémon! Înainte, Pokémon
120 Illusion Confusion Confuzia Iluziilor
121 Flower Power Puterea Florilor
122 Spinarak Attack Spinarak Atacă
123 Snubbull Snobbery Snubbull...
124 The Little Big Horn Micul Mare Corn
125 The Chikorita Rescue Salvarea Lui Chikorita
126 Once In A Blue Moon Odată În Luna Albastră
127 The Whistle Stop Oprirea La Fluier
128 Ignorance Is Blissey Ignoranța E Blissey
129 A Bout With Sprout Despre Sprout
130 Fighting Flyer with Fire Lupta Contra Zburătorului Cu Foc
131 For Cryin' Out Loud! Pentru Plânsul Tare
132 Tanks A Lot Mersi Mult!
133 Charizard's Burning Ambitions Ambițiile Arzânde Ale Lui Charizard
134 Grin to Win! Făcut Pentru A Câștiga
135 Chikorita's Big Upset Marea Supărare A Lui Chikorita
136 Foul Weather Friends Prieteni Indiferent De Vreme
137 The Superhero Secret Secretul Supereroului
138 Mild 'N Wooly Moale Și Lânos
139 Wired For Battle Firul Pentru Bătălie
140 Good 'Quil Hunting Vânătoarea De 'Quil
141 A Shadow of a Drought Umbra Unui Drought
142 Goin' Apricorn Du-te Apricorn!
143 Gettin' The Bugs Out Scoțând Gândacii
144 A Farfetch'd Tale O Poveste Farfetch'd
145 Tricks of the Trade Trucurile Schimburilor
146 The Fire-ring Squad Brigada Focului-Inel
147 No Big Woop Nici Un Woop Mare
148 Tunnel Vision Viziunea Tunelului
149 Hour of the Houndour Ora Lui Houndour
150 The Totodile Duel Duelul Totodile
151 Hot Matches! Meciuri Firbinți
152 Love, Totodile Style Iubirea...Stilul Totodile
153 Fowl Play Joacă de copii
154 Forest Grumps Așchii de pădure
155 The Psychic Sidecicks! Lovituri Psihice
156 The Fortune Hunters Vânătorii De Noroc
[modificare]Sezon 4: Johto League Champions
Nr. Titlu
157 A Goldenrod Opportunity
158 A Dairy Tale Ending
159 Air Time
160 The Bug Stops Here
161 Type Casting
162 Fossil Fools
163 Carrying On
164 Hassle in the Castle
165 Two Hits and a Miss
166 A Hot Water Battle
167 Hook, Line, and Stinker
168 Beauty and the Breeder
169 A Better Pill to Swallow
170 Power Play
171 Mountain Time
172 Wobbu-Palooza
173 Imitation Confrontation
174 The Trouble With Snubbull
175 Ariados Amigos
176 Wings 'N' Things
177 The Grass Route
178 The Apple Corp
179 Houndoom's Special Delivery
180 A Ghost of a Chance
181 From Ghost To Ghost
182 Trouble's Brewing
183 All That Glitters!
184 The Light Fantastic
185 Un BEA Rable
186 Moving Pictures
187 Spring Fever
188 Freeze Frame
189 The Stolen Stones!
190 The Dunsparce Deception
191 The Wayward Wobbuffet
192 Sick Daze
193 Ring Masters
194 The Poké-Spokes Person
195 Control Freak!
196 The Art Of Pokémon
197 The Heartbreak of Brock
198 Current Events
199 Turning Over A New Bayleef
200 Doin' What Comes Natu-rally
201 The Big Balloon Blow-Up
202 The Screen Actor's Guilt
203 Right On, Rhydon!
204 The Kecleon Caper
205 The Joy of Water Pokémon
206 Got Miltank?
207 Fight For The Light
208 Machoke, Machoke Man!
[modificare]Sezon 5: Master Quest
Nr. Titlu
209 Around The Whirlpool
210 Fly Me To The Moon
211 Takin' It On the Chinchou
212 A Corsola Caper!
213 Mantine Overboard!
214 Octillery The Outcast
215 Dueling Heroes
216 The Perfect Match!
217 Plant it Now... Diglett Later
218 Hi Ho Silver... Away!
219 The Mystery is History
220 A Parent Trapped!
221 A Promise is a Promise
222 Throwing in the Noctowl
223 Nerves of Steelix!
224 Bulbasaur... the Ambassador!
225 Espeon, Not Included
226 For Ho-Oh The Bells Toll!
227 Extreme Pokémon!
228 An EGG-sighting Adventure!
229 Hatching A Plan
230 Dues and Don'ts
231 Just Waiting On a Friend
232 A Tyrogue Full of Trouble
233 Xatu the Future
234 Talkin' 'Bout an Evolution
235 Rage of Innocence
236 As Cold as Pryce
237 Nice Pryce, Baby!
238 Whichever Way the Wind Blows
239 Some Like It Hot!
240 Hocus Pokémon
241 As Clear as Crystal
242 Same Old Song and Dance
243 Enlighten Up!
244 Will the Real Oak Please Stand Up?
245 Wish Upon a Star Shape
246 Outrageous Fortunes
247 One Trick Phoney!
248 I Politoed Ya So!
- The Ice Cave!
249 Beauty is Skin Deep
250 Fangs for Nothin'
251 Great Bowls of Fire!
252 Better Eight Than Never
253 Why? Wynaut!
254 Just Add Water
255 Lapras of Luxury
256 Hatch Me if You Can
257 Entei at Your Own Risk
258 A Crowning Achievement
259 Here's Lookin' At You Elekid!
260 You're a Star, Larvitar!
261 Address Unown!
262 Mother of All Battles
263 Pop Goes the Sneasel
264 A Claim to Flame!
265 Love, Pokémon Style
266 Tie One On!
267 The Ties that Bind
268 Can't Beat the Heat!
269 Playing With Fire
270 Johto Photo Finish
271 Gotta Catch Ya Later!
272 Hoenn Alone!
[modificare]Pokémon: Advanced Generation
[modificare]Sezon 6: Advanced
Nr. Titlu
273 Get the Show on the Road
274 A Ruin with a View
275 There's No Place Like Hoenn
276 You Never Can Taillow
277 In the Knicker of Time!
278 A Poached Ego!
279 Tree's a Crowd
280 A Tail with a Twist
281 Taming of the Shroomish
282 You Said a Mouthful
283 A Bite to Remember
284 The Lotad Lowdown
285 All Things Bright and Beautifly
286 All in a Day's Wurmple
287 Gonna Rule the School!
288 Winner By a Nosepass
289 Stairway to Devon
290 On a Wingull and a Prayer
291 Sharpedo Attack!
292 Brave The Wave
293 Which Wurmple's Which?
294 A Hole Lotta Trouble
295 Gone Corphishin'
296 A Corphish Out of Water
297 A Mudkip Mission
298 Turning Over A Nuzleaf
299 A Three Team Scheme
300 Seeing is Believing
301 Ready, Willing and Sableye
302 A Meditite Fight
303 Just One of The Geysers
304 Abandon Ship!
305 Now That's Flower Power
306 Having A Wailord Of A Time
307 Win, Lose or Drew!
308 The Spheal of Approval
309 Jump for Joy!
310 A Different Kind of Misty!
311 A Poké-BLOCK Party
312 Watt's With Wattson?
[modificare]Sezon 7: Advanced Challenge
Nr. Titlu
313 What You Seed is What You Get
314 Love at First Flight
315 Let Bagons Be Bagons
316 The Princess and the Togepi
317 A Togepi Mirage!
318 Candid Camerupt!
319 I Feel Skitty!
320 Zigzag Zangoose
321 Maxxed Out!
322 Pros and Con Artists
323 Come What May!
324 Cheer Pressure
325 Game Winning Assist
326 Fight for the Meteorite
327 Poetry Commotion!
328 Going, Going, Yawn
329 Going for a Spinda
330 All Torkoal, No Play
331 Manectric Charge
332 Delcatty Got Your Tongue
333 Disaster of Disguise
334 Disguise Da Limit
335 Take The Lombre Home
336 True Blue Swablu
337 Gulpin it Down
338 Exploud and Clear
339 Go Go Ludicolo!
340 A Double Dilemma
341 Love, Petalburg Style!
342 Balance of Power
343 A Six-Pack Attack!
344 The Bicker The Better
345 Grass Hysteria!
346 Hokey Pokéballs
347 Whiscash and Ash
348 Me, Myself And Time
349 A Fan with a Plan
350 Cruisin' for a Losin'
351 Pearls are a Spoink's Best Friend
352 That's Just Swellow
353 Take This House and Shuppet
354 A Shroomish Skirmish
355 Unfair-Weather Friends
356 Who's Flying Now?
357 Sky High Gym Battle!
358 Lights, Camerupt, Action!
359 Crazy as a Lunatone
360 The Garden of Eatin'
361 A Scare to Remember
362 Pokéblock, Stock and Berry
363 Lessons in Lilycove
364 Judgment Day!
[modificare]Sezon 8: Advanced Battle
Nr. Titlu
365 Clamperl of Wisdom
366 The Relicanth Really Can
367 The Evolutionary War
368 Training Wrecks
369 Gaining Groudon
370 The Scuffle of Legends
371 It's Still Rocket Roll to Me
372 Solid as a Solrock
- Shaking Island Battle! Barboach VS Whiscash!
373 Vanity Affair
374 Where's Armaldo?
375 A Cacturne for the Worse
376 Claydol Big and Tall
377 Once in a Mawile
378 Beg, Burrow and Steal
379 Absol-ute Disaster
380 Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snorunt
381 Do I Hear A Ralts?
382 The Great Eight Fate!
383 Eight Ain't Enough
384 Showdown at Linoone
385 Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut?
386 Date Expectations
387 Mean With Envy
388 Pacifidlog Jam
389 Berry, Berry Interesting
390 Less is Morrison
391 The Ribbon Cup Caper!
- Ash and May! Heated Battles in Hoenn!
392 Hi Ho Silver Wind!
393 Deceit and Assist
394 Rhapsody in Drew
395 Island Time
396 Like a Meowth to a Flame
397 Saved by the Beldum
398 From Brags to Riches
399 Shocks and Bonds
400 A Judgment Brawl
401 Choose It or Lose It!
402 At the End of the Fray
403 The Scheme Team
404 The Right Place and the Right Mime
405 A Real Cleffa Hanger
406 Numero Uno Articuno
407 The Symbol Life
408 Hooked On Onix
409 Rough, Tough Jigglypuff
410 On Cloud Arcanine
411 Sitting Psyduck
412 Hail to the Chef!
413 Caterpie's Big Dilemma
414 The Saffron Con
415 A Hurdle for Squirtle
416 Pasta La Vista!
[modificare]Sezon 9: Battle Frontier
Nr. Titlu
417 Fear Factor Phony
418 Sweet Baby James
419 A Chip Off the Old Brock
420 Wheel of Frontier!
421 May’s Egg-Cellent Adventure!
422 Weekend Warrior
423 On Olden Pond
424 Tactics Theatrics
425 Reversing The Charges
426 Green Guardian
427 From Cradle to Save!
428 Time-Warp Heals All Wounds!
429 Queen of the Serpentine!
430 Off the Unbeaten Path!
431 Harley Rides Again!
432 Odd Pokémon Out!
433 Spontaneous Combusken!
434 Cutting the Ties That Bind
435 Ca Boom With a View!
436 King and Queen for a Day!
437 Curbing the Crimson Tide
438 What I Did For Love!
439 Three Jynx and a Baby!
440 Talking a Good Game!
441 Second Time's the Charm!
442 Pokémon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis! Part. 1
Pokémon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis! Part. 2
443 All that Glitters is Not Golden!
444 New Plot - Old Lot!
445 Going for Choke!
446 The Ole' Berate and Switch
447 Grating Spaces
448 Battling the Enemy Within
449 Slaking Kong
450 May, We Harley Drew'd Ya!
451 Thinning the Hoard!
452 Channeling the Battle Zone
453 Aipom & Circumstance
454 Strategy Tomorrow - Comedy Tonight!
455 Duels of the Jungle!
456 Overjoyed!
457 The Unbeatable Lightness Of Seeing
458 Pinch Healing!
459 Gathering The Gang Of Four
460 Pace - The Final Frontier
461 Once More with Reeling
462 Home Is Where The Start Is
[modificare]Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl
[modificare]Sezon 10: Diamond and Pearl
Nr. Titlu
463 Following a Maiden Voyage!
464 Two Degrees of Separation!
465 When Pokémon Worlds Collide
466 Dawn of a New Era!
467 Gettin' Twiggy with It!
468 Different Strokes for Different Blokes!
469 Like It or Lup It!
470 Gymbaliar
471 Setting the World on its Buneary
472 Not on My Watch Ya Don't
473 Mounting a Coordinator Assault
474 Arrival of a Rival!
475 A Staravia Is Born!
476 Leave It To Brocko!
477 Shapes of Things to Come!
478 A Gruff Act to Follow!
479 Wild in the Streets!
480 O'er the Rampardos We Watched!
481 Twice Smitten, Once Shy!
482 Mutiny in the Bounty!
483 Ya See We Want Evolution!
484 Borrowing on Bad Faith!
485 Faced With a Steelix Determination!
486 Cooking up a sweet Story!
487 Oh do you know the Poffin pla
488 Getting the pre-contest titters
489 Settling a Not-So-Old Score
490 Drifloon on the Wind
491 The Champ Twins
492 Some Enchanted Sweetening
493 The Grass-Type is Always Greener
494 An Angry Combeenation
495 All Dressed up With Somewhere to go
496 Buizel Your Way Out of This
497 An Elite Meet and Greet
498 A Secret Sphere of Influence
499 The Grass Menagerie
500 One Big Happiny Family
501 Steamboat Willies
502 Top-Down Training
503 A Stand Up Sit Down
504 The Electrike Company
505 Malice in Wonderland
506 Mass Hip-po-sis!
507 Ill-Will Hunting
508 A Maze-ing Race
509 Sandshrew's Locker
- Satoshi and Hikari! Head for a New Adventure
510 Dawn's Early Night
511 Tag! We're It...
512 Glory Blaze
513 Smells Like Team Spirit
[modificare]Sezon 11: Diamond and Pearl Battle Dimension
Nr. Titlu
514 Tears for Fears
515 Once There Were Greenfields
516 Throwing the Track Switch
517 The Keystone Pops
518 Bibarel Gnaws Best
519 Nosing 'Round the Mountain
520 Luxray Vision
521 Journey to the Unown
522 Team Shocker
523 Tanks for the Memories
524 Hot Springing a Leak
525 Riding the Winds of Change
526 Sleight of Sand
527 Lost Leader Strategy
528 Crossing the Battle Line
529 A Triple Fighting Chance
530 Enter Galactic
531 The Bells Are Singing
532 Pokemon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part 1
533 Pokemon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part 2
534 Crossing Paths
535 Pika and Goliath
536 Our Cup Runneth Over
537 A Full Course Tag Battle
538 Staging A Heroes' Welcome
539 Pruning a Passel of Pals
540 Strategy With a Smile
541 The Thief That Keeps on Thieving
542 Chim-Charred
543 Cream of the Croagunk Crop
544 A Crasher Course in Power
545 Hungry For the Good Life
546 Fighting Fear With Fear
547 Arriving in Style
548 The Psyduck Stops Here
549 Camping it Up
550 Up Close and Personable
551 Ghoul Daze
552 One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team
553 A Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine
554 Playing The Leveling Field
555 Doc Brock
556 Battling the Generation Gap
557 Losing Its Lustrous
558 Double Team Turnover
559 If the Scarf Fits, Wear It
560 A Trainer and Child Reunion
561 Aiding the Enemy
562 Barry's Busting Out All Over
563 Shield With A Twist
564 Jumping Rocket Ship
565 Sleepless in Pre-Battle
[modificare]Sezon 12: DP Galactic Battles
Nr. Titlu Pokemon-ul care evoluează / Pokemon prins
566 Get Your Rotom Running
567 A Breed Stampede Piloswine lui Dawn evoluează în Mamoswine
568 Ancient Family Matters
569 Dealing With Defensive Types
570 Leading A Stray
571 Steeling Peace of Mind
572 Saving the World from Ruins
573 Cheers on Castaways Isle
574 Hold the Phione
575 Another One Gabites the Dust
576 Stealing the Coversation
577 The Drifting Snorunt
578 Noodles: Roamin' Off
579 Pursuing a Lofty Goal Staravia lui Ash evoluează în Staraptor
580 Trials and Adulations
581 Mysterious Creatures: Pokémon
582 The Lonely Snover
583 Stopped in the Name of Love
584 Old Rivals, New Tricks
585 To Thine Own Pokémon Be True
586 Battling a Cute Drama
587 Classroom Training
588 Sliding Into Seventh
589 A Pyramiding Rage
590 Pillars of Friendship
591 Frozen on Their Tracks
592 Pedal to the Mettle
593 Evolving Strategies Chimcar lui Ash evoluează în Monferno
594 Uncrushing Defeat
595 Promoting Healthy Tangrowth
596 Beating the Bustle and Hustle
597 Gateway to Ruin
598 Three Sides to Every Story
599 The Mother of All Battlers
600 Rescue Professor Oak! Politoed VS Croagunk
601 Natu, Xatu... The Mysterious Forest
602 Tower Tycoon! That Man, Palmer
603 The Worst Togepi Ever
604 Johto Festa! Chikorita and Totodile Appear Dawn obtine un Cyndaquil
605 Gible...Got It
606 Pokémon Contest! Suiren Tournament
607 Ash and Dawn! Tag Battle
608 Misdreavus, Murkrow and the Dusk Stone
609 Pikachu, Piplup, Keep Apart
610 The Red Chain! Activated by Team Galactic
611 Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit
612 Dialga and Palkia! The Final Battle
613 Full of Danger! James's Treasure Chest
614 The Air Battle Master Enters! Gliscor vs. Scizor Ash il elibereaza pe Gliscor.
615 Double Battle! Mamoswine and Cyndaquil
616 Gible and Draco Meteor
617 Gible! Got It Ash prinde un Gible
[modificare]Sezon special: Chronicles
Nr. Titlu
1 The legend of thunder part. 1
2 The legend of Thunder part. 2
3 The Legend of Thunder Part. 3
4 Pikachu's Winter Vacation - Delibird's Dilemma
Pikachu's Winter Vacation - Snorlax Snowman
5 A Family That Battles Together Stays Together!
6 Cerulean Blues
7 We're No Angels!
8 Showdown At The Oak Corral
9 The Blue Badge Of Courage
10 Oaknapped!
11 A Date With Delcatty
12 Celebi And Joy!
13 Training Daze
14 Journey To The Starting Line!
15 Putting The Air Back In Aerodactyl!
16 Luvdisc Is A Many Splendored Thing!
17 Those Darn Electabuzz!
18 The Search For The Legend
19 Of Meowth And Pokémon
A Little Skitty
20 Trouble In Big Town
21 Big Meowth, Little Dreams
Piece'a Pizza Peace Pizzazz
22 Pikachu’s Winter Vacation - Christmas Night
Pikachu's Winter Vacation - Ice Games
„Pokémon" are 15 sezoane + 4 filme.
Sezonul 1: Indigo League
Sezonul 2: The Adventures in the Orange Islands
Sezonul 3: The Johto Journeys
Sezonul 4: Johto League Champions
Sezonul 5: Master Quest
Sezonul 6: Advanced
Sezonul 7: Advanced Challenge
Sezonul 8: Advanced Battle
Sezonul 9: Battle Frontier
Sezonul 10: Diamond and Pearl
Sezonul 11: Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension
Sezonul 12: Diamond and Pearl: Galactic Battles
Sezonul 13: Diamond and Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors
Sezonul 14: Black & White
Sezonul 15: Black & White: Rival Destinies
Iar cele 4 filme: Pokémon (Pocket Monsters): The Original, Pokémon (Pocket Monsters): Advanced Generation, Pokémon (Pocket Monsters): Diamond and Pearl, Pokémon (Pocket Monsters): Best Wishes!
Numai bine!
Adrian_Gabriel_Tiponut_1991 întreabă:
FazekasErvin întreabă:
UnchiulRamiz întreabă: