Buna! Alegi de aici:
Daca iti place Jim Carrey:
-Tantalaul si gogomanul
- Dumnezeu pentru o zi
- Ace Ventura Detectivul de animale si un nebun in Africa
-Eu cu mine...si Irene
-Yes Man: Un cuvant poate schimba totul
-Mincinosul mincinosilor
Will Smith - Bad Boys
- Barbati in negru
Chris Tucker si Jackie Chan in RUSH HOUR
Eddie MurpHi, care mie mi se pare un geniu al comediei:
-The Nutty Professor
-Nutty Professor II: The Klumps
-The Haunted Mansion
-Daddy Day Care
Chris Rock:
-Down on Earth
-Head of State
-Madagascar(vocea lui Marty)
-Acasa la Coana Mare(Big Momma's House)
-American pie
-Mrs. Doubtfire
-Big Mommas
-No Strings Attached
-Just go with it
-Hall Pas
-Cop Out
-Death at a Funeral
-Diary of a Wimpy Kid
-When in Rome
-Ace Ventura
-The Hangover
-Regele Ralph
-Cavalerul negru cu Martin Lawrence
- Academia de politie{toate partile}
-Singur acasa{1, 2}
-Siguranta nationala{cu Martin Lawrence}
-Mister Bean{filmele si filmuletele de pe net}
-B.D la munte si la mare{ Toma Caragiu, Sebastian Papaiani, Puiu Călinescu, Dem Rădulescu, Jean Constantin și Iurie Darie
10 things i hate about you
16 wishes
17 again
18 year old virgin
Bridget Jone’s diary
Easy a
Freaky friday
Geek charming
How to lose a guy in 10 days
It’s k ind of a funny story
It's a boy girl thing
Just my luck
Love and other drugs
Material girls
Mean girl 1
Mean girl 2
Monte Carlo
No strings attached
Not another teen movie
She’s the man
Something borrowed
Sydney White
The family man
The family Stone
The girl next door
The holiday
The hot chick
The Lizzie McGuire
The lucky one
The perfect man
The switch
What a girl wants
What happens in Vegas
What’s your number?
Wild child
You again
18 Year Old Virgin
Boat Trip
Harold And Kumar 1 - Go To White Castle
Harold And Kumar 2 - Escape From Guantanamo Bay
Meet the Spartans
Road Trip
Sex Is Zero
Sex Is Zero 2
Van Wilder 1
Van Wilder 2
Shaolin Soccer
Kung Pow
South Central L. A.
Kung Fu Hustle
Liar Liar
My, Myself And Irene
The Mask
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