Sallz prieteni.Are cineva versurile de la melodiile:
-You Are The Only One
-Let's Be Friends
-All The Way Up
Toate melodiile sunt knt de Emily. Dau fundy.Ms!
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1.Forever is a long time
I'm not gonna lie is that a promise you can make
Are we at the right place at the wrong time
Right now I really need some space
Together on the front line look me in the eye
Tell it straight to my face
Are we gonna work it out or pack it in
Guess this is the chance we take
Chorus:'Cause you are the only one
Who gets me, knows me, feels me, hurts me
And you are the only one
Who's close enough to drive me crazy
Frustrate me, complicate me, make it harder than it needs to be
The things that you do and the things what you say
Make me wanna stay!
2. Everything is alright
Some of the time, are we going through a phase
Are we moving too fast going too slow
Am I just afraid to make mistakes
I wanna heep it real now, don't make a sound
I wanna see it in your eyes
Versuri Emily Osment - You're the only one
de pe
Are we gonna shake it up, or knock it down
But deep inside I know that we'll survive
Chorus:'Cause you are the only one
Who gets me, knows me, feels me, hurts me
And you are the only one
Who's close enough to drive me crazy
Frustrate me, complicate me, make it harder than it needs to be
The things that you do and the things what you say
Make me wanna stay!
3.Through the ups and downs
I do just wanna be with you
With you
Chorus:'Cause you are the only one
Who gets me, knows me, feels me, hurts me
And you are the only one
Who's close enough to drive me crazy(2x)
Frustrate me, complicate me, make it harder than it needs to be
The things that you do and the things what you say
Make me wanna stay!
The things that you do and the thïngs what you say
Make me wanna stay!
like to bite my nails and play the air guitar
I like to keep my suitcase packed cause I'm going far
I think you're nice but I don't wanna waste my time
I may seem crazy but don't worry I'm just fine
All the way up, all the way down
Never look back, it's time to breakout
I want it my way, I do what I do
I know what I like, and maybe it's you
That's right
It's a temporary life
It's all right
That takes you all the way up
All the way down
Never look back it's time to breakout
I like to go out walking in a foreign lane
I want my rock'n'roll to make the window shake
I wait till 3 am to call everyone I know
I'm gonna bring the noise, I'm ready here we go
It's my life and it's a riot
Come on baby you can't deny it
Don't deny it!
All the way up, all the way down
Holding my breath, letting it out
I want it my way, I do what I do
I know what I lïke, and maybe.
Hey, what's your name?
I think I like you. Come a little closer now.
Wait, what'd you say? Is that your girlfriend?
Think I'll be turning that around.
Don't you wanna?
Don't you wanna?
Don't you wanna know, what it would feel like?
Let's be friends so we can make out.
You're so hot let me show you around.
I see what I want and I wanna play.
Everyone knows I'm getting my way.
It doesn't matter what you say.
I'm knocking you down, down, down.
I'm knocking you down, down, down.
I'm knocking you down.
Hey, let me flip though the pages to something outrageous.
Potentially maybe it could be more.
But don't get your hopes up, first let's just hook up.
Maybe you'll be what I'm looking for.
Don't you wanna?
Don't you wanna?
Don't you wanna know, what it would feel like?
Let's be friends so we can make out.
You're so hot let me show you around.
I see what I want and I wanna play.
Everyone knows I'm getting my way.
It doesn't matter what you say.
I'm knocking you down, down, down.
I'm knocking you down, down, down.
I'm knocking you down.
You got my permission.
Don't need no admission.
Cause I'm on a mission.
You got my attention.
There's no need to mention.
The way...
The way you feel.
Cause you're in my vision.
I need a decision.
So take a position.
There's no need to question.
My every intention.
Cause this...
Cause this is real.
Let's be friends so we can make out.
You're so hot let me show you around.
I see what I want and I wanna play.
Everyone knows I'm getting my way.
It doesn't matter what you say.
I'm knocking you down, down, down. (Cause were young)
I'm knocking you down, down, down. (Let's have fun [x2])
I'm knocking you down, down, down. (Cause were young)
I'm knocking you down, down, down. (Let's have fun [x2])
Let's be friends so we can make out.
You're so hot let me show you around.
I see what I want and I wanna play.
Everyone knows I'm getting my way.
It doesn't matter what you say.
I'm knocking you down, down, down.
I'm knocking you down, down, down.
I'm knocking you down.
Hey, what's your name?
I think I like you. Come a little closer now.
Wait, what'd you say? Is that your girlfriend?
Think I'll be turning that around.
Don't you wanna?
Don't you wanna?
Don't you wanna know, what it would feel like?
Let's be friends so we can make out.
You're so hot let me show you around.
I see what I want and I wanna play.
Everyone knows I'm getting my way.
It doesn't matter what you say.
I'm knocking you down, down, down.
I'm knocking you down, down, down.
I'm knocking you down.
Hey, let me flip though the pages to something outrageous.
Potentially maybe it could be more.
But don't get your hopes up, first let's just hook up.
Maybe you'll be what I'm looking for.
Don't you wanna?
Don't you wanna?
Don't you wanna know, what it would feel like?
Let's be friends so we can make out.
You're so hot let me show you around.
I see what I want and I wanna play.
Everyone knows I'm getting my way.
It doesn't matter what you say.
I'm knocking you down, down, down.
I'm knocking you down, down, down.
I'm knocking you down.
You got my permission.
Don't need no admission.
Cause I'm on a mission.
You got my attention.
There's no need to mention.
The way...
The way you feel.
Cause you're in my vision.
I need a decision.
So take a position.
There's no need to question.
My every intention.
Cause this...
Cause this is real.
Let's be friends so we can make out.
You're so hot let me show you around.
I see what I want and I wanna play.
Everyone knows I'm getting my way.
It doesn't matter what you say.
I'm knocking you down, down, down. (Cause were young)
I'm knocking you down, down, down. (Let's have fun [x2])
I'm knocking you down, down, down. (Cause were young)
I'm knocking you down, down, down. (Let's have fun [x2])
Let's be friends so we can make out.
You're so hot let me show you around.
I see what I want and I wanna play.
Everyone knows I'm getting my way.
It doesn't matter what you say.
I'm knocking you down, down, down.
I'm knocking you down, down, down.
I'm knocking you down.
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