| Robert_Costache_1996 a întrebat:

Salut..as dori sa stiu cele mai tari filme cu eschimosi indieni ma pasionează mult aceste filme.

Răspuns Apreciat de Editori
Userul Lunii
| floresdemayo a răspuns:

Filme cu eschimoși:
Maliglutit (2016), Maïna (2013), Le jour avant le lendemain (2008), Chloe & Theo (2015), Inuk (2010), The Snow Walker (2003), The Journals of Knud Rasmussen (2006), Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner (2001), Before Tomorrow (2009), The Savage Innocents (1960), The Revenant, Far North (2007), On the Ice (2011), Okpik's Dream (doc, 2015), The Necessities of Life (Ce cu'il faut pour vivre, 2008), Uvanga (2013), Kabloonak (1994), The Legend of Sarila (anime, 2013), Angry Inuk (2016)
Câteva și aici: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls003023875/
Cu Native Americans (Indo-Americans): Black Cloud (2004), Squanto: A Warrior's Tale, Apocalypto, Coyote Waits (2003), Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007), Clearcut (1991), Into the West (2005)

1 răspuns:
| BloodyLips a răspuns:

1.Cainii zapezii(e comedie, nu stiu daca se incadreaza)
2.Big Miracle
4.The snow walker
6.Touching the void
8.Ice Quake
10.Ice and the sky
11.the revenant
12.The scorpion king
13.The dead lands

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