Iti recomand urmatoarele filme, sunt mai multe informatii despre ele jos, numai bine!
10 Things I Hate About You
Regizor: Gil Junger
Actor: Heath Ledger
18 Years Later/18 ans après
Regizor: Coline Serreau
Actor: Andre Dussollier
27 Dresses
Regizor: Anne Fletcher
Actor: Katherine Heigl
40 Days and 40 Nights
Regizor: Michael Lehmann
Actor: Josh Hartnett
Regizor: Francois Ozon
Actor: Valeria Bruni Tedeschi
A Cinderella Story
Regizor: Mark Rosman
Actor: Chad Michael Murray
A Good Year
Regizor: Ridley Scott
Actor: Russell Crowe
A Home at the End of the World
Actor: Colin Farrell
A Walk to Remember
Regizor: Adam Shankman
Actor: Mandy Moore
Across the Universe
Regizor: Julie Taymor
Actor: Jim Sturgess
Addicted to Love
Regizor: Griffin Dunne
Actor: Meg Ryan
Against the Ropes
Regizor: Charles S. Dutton
Actor: Meg Ryan
Al di la delle nuvole
Regizor: Michelangelo Antonioni
Actor: Jean Reno
All the Real Girls
Regizor: David Gordon Green
Actor: Zooey Deschanel
American Graffiti
Regizor: George Lucas
Actor: Harrison Ford
An American in Paris
Regizor: Vincente Minnelli
Actor: Gene Kelly
An Unfinished Life
Actor: Jennifer Lopez
Regizor: Michael Bay
Actor: Bruce Willis
As Good As It Gets
Regizor: James L. Brooks
Actor: Jack Nicholson
Actor: Natasha Richardson
Author! Author!
Regizor: Arthur Hiller
Actor: Al Pacino
Baby Boy
Regizor: John Singleton
Actor: Snoop Dogg
Baisers volés
Regizor: Francois Truffaut
Barfuss / Barefoot
Regizor: Til Schweiger
Actor: Til Schweiger
13 Going On 30
Regizor: Gary Winick
Actor: Jennifer Garner
Regizor: Kar Wai Wong
Actor: Li Gong
28 Days
Regizor: Betty Thomas
Actor: Sandra Bullock
50 First Dates
Regizor: Peter Segal
Actor: Adam Sandler
9 1/2 Weeks
Regizor: Adrian Lyne
Actor: Mickey Rourke
A Good Woman
Regizor: Mike Barker
Actor: Scarlett Johansson
A Guy Thing
Regizor: Chris Koch
Actor: Julia Stiles
A Lot Like Love
Actor: Ashton Kutcher
A bout de souffle
Regizor: Jean-Luc Godard
Actor: Jean-Paul Belmondo
Adam's Rib
Regizor: George Cukor
Actor: Katharine Hepburn
Regizor: Alan Rudolph
Actor: Nick Nolte
Regizor: Alejandro Amenabar
Actor: Rachel Weisz
Alex & Emma
Regizor: Rob Reiner
Actor: Kate Hudson
America's Sweethearts
Regizor: Joe Roth
Actor: Julia Roberts
An Affair to Remember
Regizor: Leo McCarey
Actor: Cary Grant
An Officer And A Gentleman
Regizor: Taylor Hackford
Actor: Richard Gere
Angel-A / Alerte rouge
Regizor: Luc Besson
Actor: Jamel Debbouze
Annie Hall
Regizor: Woody Allen
Actor: Diane Keaton
Regizor: Diane Crespo
Actor: Francis Benhamou
Ask the Dust
Regizor: Robert Towne
Actor: Colin Farrell
Regizor: Joe Wright
Actor: Keira Knightley
Away from Her
Regizor: Sarah Polley
Actor: Julie Christie
Bad Boy
Regizor: Victoria Hochberg
Actor: Elizabeth Hurley
Bar El Chino
Regizor: Daniel Burak
Actor: Boy Olmi
Because I Said So
Regizor: Michael Lehmann
Actor: Mandy Moore
Going to distance, keith, a walk to remember, Life as We Know It, Love and Other Drugs
She's the man
she`s out of my league
a walk to remember
my sassy girl
what a girl wants
love dont cost a thing
chasing liberty
first daughter
dirty deeds
A Cinderella Story
Post Grad
The Girl Next Door
Love Wrecked
13 Going On 30
The Notebook
Cruel intentions
Buna tinkerbell20,
Preferatele mele sunt:
A walk to remember
PS: I love you
Charlie St cloud (nu e de dragoste dar e vorba despre un copil cu cancer)
Remember Me
Not Without My Daughter (dragostea unei mame care desi are posibilitatea de a isi parasi sotul nu o face pentru ca vrea sa reuseasca sa isi ia si fiica cu ea)
The last song
Asta e topul meu pe care zic eu ca ar trebui sa il vezi cand ai timp.
Pa, pa
A walk to remember
The last song
High school musical
Step up
sunt mai multe...Dar in principiu astea mi-au placut mie cel mai mult
The notebook, Remember Me, Valentine's Day. uite un sait unde gasesti multe si iti alegi care iti place;)
Serial daca Doresti : The Vapire Diaries (dragoste si horor), Gossip Girl(ROmance) One Tree Hill (dragoste Famili romance)
Desi pare film porno, te-as sfatui sa incerci:AMY"S ORGASM! NU e porno, e un film extraordinar de frumos! si mai sint acum nu imi vin in minte dar cauta pe filme online la genul preferat si alegi de acolo! nu am idee acum decit cel prezentat mai sus pentru ca mi-a placut!
Iti recomand My Sassy Girl (2008) -
Doar 3 Remember me, A walk to remember si The Notebook
Din tot ce am vazut, acestea mi se par cele mai faine. Chiar le recomand.
A walk to remember
love story
seria de 4 filme:eu si printul (romantic si comedie)
si nu in ultimul rand fantoma mea iubita:X:X
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