A Good Day to Die Hard(2013)
Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters(2013)
Identity Thief(2013)
The Last Stand(2013)
Jack Reacher(2012)
The Host(2013)
Premium Rush(2012)
The Bourne Legacy(2012)
Total Recall(2012)
Recomand: Filme geniale: Inception, Shutter Island, Brazil, Source Code, Memento, 12monkeys, The Jacket, Tree of Life
Actiune: Die Hard, First Blood, UniSol, The karate kid (originalul, 1984)
Îţi recomand următoarele filme de acţiune:
Red Dawn (2012)
Java Heat (2013)
A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)
The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (2009)
Bro' (2012)
Armored (2009)
The Grand Heist (2012)
The 25th Reich (2012)
Counterpunch (2013)
Prince 2010
THe girl with the dragon tatoo; Sherlock Holmes:The game of the shadows:The avengers; The expandables;
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