Are ceva daca sunt baiat? Oricum poftim:
The First Time (2012)
She's the Man (2006)
What a Girl Wants (2003)
Sydney White (2007)
A Cinderella Story (2004)
Raise Your Voice (2004)
Greta (2009)
Tengo ganas de ti (2012)
The Art of Getting By (2011)
The Last Song (2010)
Nu are nimic
Bravo tie ca te-ai uitat
The Notebook (obligatoriu de vazut)
Dear John
Tres metros sobre el cielo (partea I )
Tengo ganas de ti ( partea a II a )
Before Sunset
Remember me
One day
The vow
Sweet November
-Tres metros sobre el cielo
-Tengo ganas de ti
-The Notebook
-The Blue Lagoon:The Awakening
-Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
-A Cinderella Story
-Another Cinderella Story
-A Cinderella Story: Once upon a song
Hei! Uite cateva filme de nota 10 pe care eu personal ti le recomand! Sper sa iti placa! The notebook,tres metros sobre el cielo,tengo ganas de ti, love actually, just go with it, if only, charlie st cloud
The Great Gatsby(Leonardo Dicaprio),lol, Cocktail, About last night, ramai cu mine, si de ce nu Twilight
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